• Chapter 24 •

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Third Person POV:
"He's so sweet and I didn't even know!" Angelina squealed
"You think he's gonna ask you to the Yule ball?" Hallie questioned

Sage, Angelina and Hallie had picked today to go dress shopping together for the Yule ball. They had all been too busy to go other days and a lot of the girls had already picked theirs out.

"I dunno, but I hope so." She replied "Sage, has anyone asked you yet?"
"Hm? Oh, no."
"I'm sure someone will." Hallie comforted
"Doubtful but thank you."

"So what about Fred again?" Hallie asked
"He's clingy but not in a bad way, like he just wants to be with you."
"I thought that was just the potion." Sage spoke without thinking

"Yeah he was constantly holding your hand." Hallie agreed
"No! He's really just like that, and it's so cute!"
Hallie and Sage nodded mindlessly.

Hallie had been concerned as the Yule ball grew closer George had yet to ask her. She had started to wonder if he would ever ask her. Maybe he didn't see her that way. Maybe he had another girl he wanted to ask...

Sage on the other hand had been listening to the way Angelina spoke about Fred and had been noticing how for the past two hours the way he acted under love potion and normally with the girl he liked were not so different.

Which was a problem. She had been convincing herself that Fred wasn't actually like that. That he was an idiot. He wasn't sweet and caring. He was dense and ignorant to everyone else's emotions. There was nothing to like about him.

But she liked everything about him. Almost. She liked how he was under love potion. Loved it almost. Almost. He wasn't supposed to actually be that sweet. It made her want to get to know him better. ALMOST.

Which was silly. Goofy, funny, ridiculous. She didn't want to get to know him. Her mind was playing stupid tricks on her again. He didn't like her and she didn't like him. It was that simple.

She had expressed profusely in the past how she found him revolting and though her stay at the burrow had slightly altered that she stood firm in her belief. Fred Weasley was a terrible person.

That's why she hadn't let him kiss her that day. She knew it would be gross and slimy and she would regret it for the rest of her life. Love potion or not.

"Are you guys even listening to me?" Angelina asked
"Hm?" Hallie snapped out of her zone, George would ask her. Surely
Sage nodded silently. She didn't see Fred that way.

"You two have been acting funny."
"Just worried George won't ask me to the ball." Hallie confessed
"Oh but he will! I know it." Angelina comforted

"I mean have you seen the way he looks at you? I've said it once I'll say it again, literal heart eyes."
"Thanks." Hallie smiled

"And what about you?"
Sage looked up Hallie and Angelina looking at her curiously.
"What?" She asked
"Whats got you zoning out?"

"Not thinking about my man are you?" Angelina teased
"No!" Sage panicked "Why would I-"
"Relax, I was just teasing." She laughed "And your face was totally worth it!"

"Geez." Sage sighed watching her breath fog up in front of her
"There's the shop." Hallie pointed out
"It's not as packed as I expected it to be."

Hallie and Sage nodding in agreement the three girls made their way across the street and into the shop. They split off almost immediately all three of them having very different styles.

"What about........... this one?" Hallie pulled out an almost queen like dress that had a large dip in the front and gold lines around the cuffs and bodice of the dress.

"You'd look like you were about to be crowned Queen and go to war." Sage commented
"Well that's not what I want." Hallie huffed

The girls continued to scan the isles finding more suitable options for their friends than for themselves.
"I'd like this one on you."

"Hallie come here."
Sage pulled out a green dress from the rack. The top was covered in embroidered greenery which flowed down creating a transition into the tool skirt.

Hallie gasped loudly causing Angelina to rush over and see what the commotion was about.
"That's the one!" Angelina exclaimed
"I think so!" Hallie agreed

She snagged the dress and rushed to the dressing room to put it on. Just as Angelina was about to walk away Sage pulled another dress from the rack, tapping her friend on the shoulder.

"What?" Angelina asked
"Here." Sage replied handing her the dress "You said you were looking for a purple one."
"Yes! That's perfect!"

Angelina following suit and rushed to a dressing room to try on the dress as Sage continued to scan. She wasn't quite sure what she wanted or what she was looking for.

She kind of hoped she would just know it when she saw it but that didn't often happen so her hopes weren't high.

She couldn't even try to match with the person she was going with because no one had asked her. She continued to scan but nothing caught her eye.

"This is definitely the one." Hallie smiled coming out of the dressing room
"Fits you perfectly." Sage mused
"I know!"

"Alright, Look out. I think I found the one too."
"Perfect." The two other girls agreed
"What about you Sage?" Hallie asked
Sage shrugged. She still couldn't find anything

"Let me get changed and we'll keep looking." Hallie assured her
Sage found it a bit ironic that she was able to find dresses for her other friends but not for herself and she was supposed to know herself better than anyone.

"Alright, time to search!"
Hallie and Angelina searched the racks tirelessly for something that would suit Sage.

Eleven dresses found and vetoed. Even the girls agreed their picks just didn't suit Sage like they should and that they weren't going to let her settle for less.

Amongst their searching they each found a pair of shoes to match their own dresses and miraculously a pair of shoes that Sage was so obsessed with she insisted that the dress must match so she could wear them.

"At least we have a starting point now." Angelina conceded
"I say we match the dark blue on them."
Sage nodded in agreement.

Another twenty minutes they spent looking and looking. Eventually Hallie found a secluded corner they hadn't checked out.

A dark blue streak caught her eye and she dug amongst the scattered dresses to pull out an ethereal looking dark blue gown that suited the shoes pretty perfectly.

"You guys, I found one!"
Angelina and Sage rushed over frantically trying to find Hallie. Angelina gasped happily shaking Sage.
"It's perfect."

1150 Words | May. 18 2023

I was at chapter 90 I think when I hit 1000 in my first book and to think I'm not even at chapter 30 now. It's insane. THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU GUYS 🫶

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