• Chapter 31 •

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Fred's POV:
   I kissed her deeply wrapping her in my arms. I could not get enough. I gently lowered her into my bed crawling in beside her.

    "I love you." Sage whispered kissing my cheek
I held her closer to me kissing her feverishly. I don't know when had I become so obsessed.

"Hm?" I replied still kissing her
"Freddie-" she gripped my shoulder

    "Freddie!" Suddenly Sage's voice morphed into George's
I jolted awake still feeling the touch of Sage's lips agains my cheek. My heart thumped out of my chest as I gripped my shirt.

    "Geez Fred what were you dreaming about?" George asked
"What were you dreaming about? You were mumbling all kinds of things and- Merlin's beard your face is red."

    "I uhm, I'm fine."
"You sure you aren't running a fever?" George asked going to feel my forehead
I smacked his hand away instinctively "I'm fine."

    "Alright then, no need to get snippy. Get up, we're going to be late."
I rolled out of bed following George into the bathroom.
"What were you dreaming about?" George asked again changing shirts

    "Um, Angelina." I lied
"Your girlfriend huh?" His tone was weird like he didn't believe me
"What's that supposed to mean?"

    "Nothing...." George mumbled
"Oh not this again." I recognized his tone
He was about to ask me if there was anything between me and Sage and talk about the seriousness of our kiss.

    "Just listen." George sighed
"No." I groaned "You listen to me. That kiss was nothing. You hear me? Nothing. It was random it meant nothing it was a momentary lack of judgment on my part. Hell, I argued with her the other day about cheese!"

    "Now will you quit getting on my arse about it?"
George stared at me clearly not believing "If it were nothing you wouldn't feel the need to get defensive about it." He said under his breath

    "I heard that."
"Am I wrong?"
"Shouldn't you be sucking your girlfriends face off right now or something?"
"Git." George snapped

    He was wrong. He was an idiot of thinking there was something there. I knew Hallie and George had been conspiring.

    Of course I couldn't get Sage out of my head because my own twin brother wouldn't drop the subject. Of course I was bound to have dreams about her when she was constantly the topic of conversation.

    I couldn't help but feel bad for Sage knowing she was getting harassed just as bad if not worse.

    George had already left. He did that when I got in his nerves. Which was fine, because he got on mine. I finished getting ready, I had a prank to pull. Which was good, because I needed to clear my mind.

Sage's POV:
    I strolled cheerfully down the corridor. Today had been a good day. I was passing all my classes, all the teachers were very mellow, and best of all I hadn't seen Fred.
(Aside from tutoring of course.) which I might add, had become strictly studying.

    I wasn't forced to be in a room with that man, uncomfortable and awkward. It was strange to see him with Angelina, though I'm not sure what I expected. They were perfect for each other.

    I large bang drew my attention down another corridor. There were colorful fireworks going off from inside Filch's office and a bright pink, raggedy looking cat ran out.

    Oh no.
"I'll get you yet!" Filch cried
Fred came running out of the smoke laughing so hard he didn't even notice me.

    "You two!"
Two? George wasn't with him. I gasped. Two. He meant me! Now I was roped in with this.

    "Come on then!" Fred shouted grabbing me by the arm
"What!" I cried
Fred dragged me down the hall, running at the speed of light.

    Suddenly he jolted to a stop and ran backwards. He flung a wooden door open and shoved me inside.

    "What are we-"
"Shh!" He hushed
This was definitely one of the smaller broom closets. Most of them were larger and had enough space for shelves. Not this one.

    Fred and I were quite literally pressed together. I could feel his heart racing against mine.

    I looked up at him, there was just enough light to make out his chiseled features. His defined jawline, his brow knit in concentration as he listened intently, his lips...

    I blinked rapidly. What was I doing? The last time we spoke we had a full blown argument over cheese, and now I was thinking about kissing him?

    I forced myself to keep my thoughts in check. This, was my best friends boyfriend. He played stupid pranks and roped me into it. He would argue with me over cheese.

    It worked for a while but then, my mind began to wonder what it would be like to just each up and trace his jaw with my fingertips. To feel his lips against mine again. Would it feel just as passionate and emotional?

    "Sage," Fred breathed out
I closed my slightly parted lips. I hadn't even notice that I had been leaning in closer to his face. From the looks of it he had been leaning in too.

    "Yes," I whispered back
I gripped the front of his robes pulling him closer still. I had to know. His eyes fluttered shut, he had beautiful eyelashes. Was that weird?

    His lips ghosted mine, my cheeks warming at the sensation. Still gripping his robes I kissed him a little more bravely now.

    I froze. This wasn't right. He was dating my best friend. The last kiss was supposed to be a one time thing. I pulled away but he leaned in.
I placed my hand on his chest, stopping him "We-we can't." I whispered
"Right." He agreed

    We pulled away from each other as much as we could, still being squished together.
"I think it's safe now." Fred cleared his throat
Fred opened the door, stepped out, glanced at me, and left, letting the door shut behind him.

    I let out a gasp I didn't know I'd been holding in. Sliding down the wall I buried my face in my hands. I was a horrible person.

    I collected myself up off the dusty floor, praying I looked normal before slipping out of the broom closet.

    I wandered around the school hating myself. Everyone else hated me too right now. After the ball Cormac went around telling everyone I begged him to go to the ball with me and then turned around and kissed another guy.

    Of course Hallie was on a date with George and I didn't want to see Angelina right now.
"Excuse me." Someone tapped my shoulder
I jumped turning to see who it was.

    My vision was bombarded with the Durmstrang uniform. I froze up. What was going on?

    "Sage, it's me."
I cleared my muddled thoughts enough to realize I'd bumped into Stefan.
"Oh I'm sorry." I smiled "I didn't realize it was you."

     "What were you doing in a closet?"
"Oh I was, hiding from someone."
He nodded in understanding "Walk with me?" He asked
"Of course." I smiled

    I looked back, feeling like I was being watched. I thought filches cat was looking for me and Fred but I didn't see anyone or anything.

     "You alright?" Stefan asked
"Hm? Oh, yes." I smiled taking the arm he offered me
I looked back one last time, my eye catching on something I thought moved but there was nothing there.

1354 Words | Jun. 25 2023

This was originally a very long chapter but I read through it and I felt it was more like two chapters than one long one. I got carried away writing drama.
I love writing all the dramatic things. 😭The words just seem to fly as the most outlandish thoughts flash in my mind. I typically have to tone it down because the ideas get so crazy but sometimes I just tell myself "this is my fanfiction I'll do what I want! It's called fanFICTION for a reason." So hopefully I don't get too crazy.

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