A Quirkless Hero ?

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Third person POV

A lot of people have dreamt of having heroes as parents. It's a dream that one would do anything for.

'What could possibly be better than being the child of a hero, a person who saves people?' one might wonder.

Yet, in reality, a lot of examples show that having hero parents is more of a curse than a blessing.

One of those who were cursed by 'heroic' parents was Izuku Yagi, the son of All Might, the number one hero of Japan and the symbol of peace in the world.

It was back when the kid was 4 years old. He, with his twin sister and parents, had gone to a doctor to check what kind of quirks the twins had.

The parents were thrilled to hear that their daughter had a telekinetic quirk that had the potential to become even more powerful and useful than her mother's similar quirk.

They were so excited to find out their other kid's quirk, but they were let down when the doctor said that he had no idea what the kid's quirk was.

The parents asked how that was possible, and the doctor only answered by saying that their is a quirk inside the kid's body, but it wasn't usable, and he had no idea how it functioned.

Hearing that the 2 heroes, who had their identities a secret, felt a bit disappointed that their kid had a 'useless' quirk.

They asked the doctor to write him down as 'quirkless' so that he doesn't keep his dream of becoming a hero while not having a quirk to aid him so he 'doesn't get hurt'.

The family left the doctor's office with the parents complimenting their daughter's quirk while Toshinori, the father of the family, had his hand on izuku's head without saying a word.

They entered the car, and Izuku was obviously on the verge of tears after finding out about his lack of unique power and quirk.

His sister looked at him with a hint of disgust and disappointment in her eyes, starting to feel like her twin has turned useless now that he has no usable quirk.

They went to their home, and each kid went to their own room. Toshinori followed his daughter to her room and started talking to her about heroes and gave her as much confidence and confidence as she needed so she wouldn't give up on her dream.

Izuku, on the other hand, was watching a video about all his favourite heroes altogether. His mother suddenly entered the room only to see her kid sobbing.

"M-mom... Do you think I-I could b-be a hero T-too?" he stuttered while looking at his mother.

Inko couldn't do anything but hug her 4 year old son with some tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Izuku, I'm really sorry." She said.

'But...that's not what I wanted to hear.' The kid thought to himself.

That night, Toshinori and Inko's friends whom izuku and Izumi had seen as their uncles and aunts visited their home.

Those friends were none other than the heroes that were aware of their secret identities, which aren't a lot.

In their home were the heroes Mudnight, Eraser Head, Present Mic, Nezu, and Gran Torino. All those heroes were aware of toshinori and inko's identities.

The heroes celebrated the entire night with little Izumi, but Izuku never joined them and stayed in his room.

When noticing that his favourite baby nephew wasn't in the room, Eraser Head, also known as Shota Aizawa, went to his room to check up on him.

He entered the room and looked around seeing all the figurines and posters of heroes all around the kid's room and his eyes fell on a picture that the kid had beside his bed of Izuku with his entire family, aunt and uncles.

He smiled and then turned around to look at his nephew, noticing him playing with his 'Endavour' figure to fight the fake villains he had scattered in the ground.

"Endavour, huh? He's definitely strong enough to beat those villains, isn't he? " said Shota, catching the attention of his nephew.

"UNCLE SHOTA!" shouted izuku as he jumped at his uncle.

Shota smiled a little at his nephew, then put him down and sat next to him.

"Isn't endavour so cool and amazing?" Asked izuku.

"Yeah, he's the best." Said aizawa.

'I hate that bitch' he thought to himself.

Aizawa then sat down with his nephew watching him talking about all his favorite heroes and his future dream of becoming a hero himself.

"You are going to become a great hero zuku. Even without a quirk"

And with that the chapter comes to an end.

Tell me what you guys think, also I apologize if there's anything wrong with the story, English isn't my first language

Also I still haven't chosen a ship it'll probably either be tododeku or hawksdeku (aged down Hawks obvi) if you have any suggestions I'll gladly hear them.

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