My Hero

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Third Person POV

All of Izuku's clones were rushing to aid his classmates and class 1B to take down the villains that were facing them.

It didn't take long before most of the villains were taken down by the heroes in training with the help of Izuku.

Unfortunately for him, he was too slow to stop a maniac from slashing both Ururaka's arm and Tsu's tongue.

He was fast enough to find the rest of the heroes in training and teleport all of them back to camp, though.

But while he was fighting a guy with a poisonous gas, he defeated him but saw another villain throwing a small blue ball his way.

That's when their plan hit him. He created a clone without anyone noticing it, and the clone stood still as the ball hit him while Izuku telepoerted away where no one could see him.

Once the man, who was wearing a mask, so they couldn't see his face, took the ball he told the other students that they were too slow.

"Vanguard Action Squad, I've acquired the target. Meet me at the retrieval point in 5 minutes." said the villain.

The other villains heard him and did as told as they stood together waiting for him.

The heroes in training had no idea what was happening as they were sitting in the camp after aizawa ordered them to.

Only Tetsutetsu and Itsuka knew and immediately informed aizawa of what happened to the teen.

"Izuku is captured." Said Aizawa to himself.

Everyone around him looked at him with wide eyes when they heard that.

They quickly left to look for Izuku all throughout the forest until Shoto found them and informed the rest.

Shoto, alongside Izumi and Bakugo, stood together until Kurogiri appeared and teleported most of the villains away.

The villain that took izuku stood in front of them and smiled before revealing the small ball he had.

He started entering the gate, but before he completely got teleported, he flicked his fingers.

Izuku appeared out of thin air and looked at the 3 without a hint of fear in his eyes.

The rest of the heroes appeared then, but they weren't fast enough to catch Izuku as he and the villain entered the gate.

"NOOOO!" Screamed out Kota seeing his hero getting taken away.

The rest of the heroes were frozen in their places.

"I call myself a hero, but I couldn't save my own nephew?" asked Aizawa to no one in particular.

The students were too shocked to utter a word.

"...Izuku." Said Ururaka to herself

"Yes?" came the voice of the teen.

Everyone turned and saw the student with no scratch on his body.

"Izuku!" said Auzawa as he rushed towards his nephew.

"Oh, come on, you really thought that I'd get caught by some weaklings like those?" Asked Izuku.

He smiled at them as 3 more Izuku's appeared then proofed away.

"I sent a clone of mine with them, I will keep it summoned, though. It'll be useful for now." said Izuku.

The rest looked at him with confusion, but Aizawa and Vlad seemed to have understood what he said.

Izuku saw Kota hiding behind Aizawa, and he smiled at him.

The kid ran towards him and hugged him with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you for saving me! And I'm sorry for what I said before." Said Kota.

"Hey, it's ok kiddo, come on, let's put those flames off." said izuku.

Kota nodded before standing up and using his water quirk to put off some of the fire, Izuku also used some water jutsus to put the rest off.

Once all the fire was off, UA decided that it was time to go back to school and discuss everything.

"Thank you again, my hero." Said Kota as he was saying his goodbyes to Izuku.

"You're welcome, again, kid. Promise me that you'll inrole into UA and become a hero just like I'm working on becoming!" Said Izuku.

"Yes, sir." Said the kid while saluting.

Izuku pat his head before going to the bus, which took them to school.

All of the students went to their classes, and Izuku already healed all of their injuries so they didn't have to be hospitalized.

Izuku, on the other hand, was taken to a meeting where all of the staff of UA, alongside some of the top heroes, were present.

"So ,Izuku, a clone of yours s with the villains. Aren't you worried that they'd do anything to it?" asked Hawks.

"My clone is with them, but they aren't capable of doing anything to it. The clone has no real body, if it might be nearly as strong as I am, but it's still a clone without any blood for them to experiment on, nor any DNA or quirk." Explained Izuku.

"Ok, but why in the world would you keep it there? Aizawa told us that you did it for a plan." Asked Magneta.

Izuku didn't feel like answering her, but he had to since if he didn't, it would probably sound suspicious.

"Once I poof my clones, the knowledge they gained is transported to me. The villains are definitely going to take my clone to their hideout for whatever reason. Once they're done with what they plan on doing, I'll poof him, and just like that, I'll have the location of the League of villains." Exclaimed izuku.

Back with the League of Villains, Izuku was tied down with all kinds of devices to keep him unable to use his powers.

Toga, which is the villain that had hurt Ururaka and Tsu back in the camp, was talking about how great his blood would taste while he was trying to stay as far away from her as possible.

The villains tried to convince him to join their league and tell him about how the hero society was wrong.

When he showed no sign of interest, a man with a black breathing mask and black suit appeared in front of him.

"Well, Yagi, if choosing the league isn't a choice, then how about we make use of this great quirk of yours." He said

'All for one?!' Thought Izuku to himself.

The man touched his head and activated his quirk, trying to steal the power of the younger guy, but it seemed of no use.

All for one was about to question it, but Izuku smirked and then poofed into smoke.

"A clone?! We were tricked!" Said Shigaraki.

"So you're saying that in any moment now you can find the league?" Asked Endeavour back in the meeting.

"That's what I'm sayi- oh never mind my clone poofed. I already have the location." Said Izuku.

Both the heroes and the villains were frozen in place, unsure what to do.

Chapter done

Sorry if there are any mistakes

Love yall <3

Izuku Yagi Otsutsuki Where stories live. Discover now