The Day His Life Will Change

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Third Person POV

Izuku was in his new house while his old family members were panicking over his disappearance and worrying about what had happened to him and why his room was in that state.

Izuku was training hard trying to forget his parents and the lies he saw through their eyes when they talked to him.


His new family members heard him but didn't interfere knowing that it was the best way to deal with his emotion.

Izuku felt all his anger glowing through his body. He glared at the puppet he was fighting against it's blond hair reminding him of his sister and father.

He formed a shadow clone identical to himself. The clone helped him in doing a 'rasengan' which is a spiraling ball of Chakra.

The teen smashed the ball of Chakra at the puppet making it explode into a 100 pieces.

The puppet fell down and izuku followed suit falling to his knees. He sighed a little then  hugged his knees. He felt his eyes tearing up but didn't cry.

"They don't deserve you to cry over them." he remembered kawaki telling him months ago referring to his shitty family members.

He left the training ground and went to his room and sat down on his bed. He took out a copy book and started writing down.

'Rasengan was alot stronger while I was angry. My Chakra is changing according to my emotions, I should focus more on controlling my negative emotions so that I wouldn't end up hurting anyone around me.' He wrote down.

He continued taking some notes for about half an hour before putting his pen and notebook away.

He suddenly was teleported into his mindscape. He didn't even question what happened as he had already gotten used to his family summoning him in.

When he questioned why he was there they just told him that they wanted to spend some time with him making the teenager smile a genuine smile that his old parents hadn't seen since he was 4.

The next day izuku spend the entire day training and awaiting his acceptance letter.

Back in UA all the teachers were in nezu's room discussing Izuku.

"You can't accept him into UA nezu, that's dangerous." Argued Toshinori.

"I don't get it Toshinori, why are you so mad about your own son getting accepted to the best school in the country." answered nezu.

"Because he randomly entered the exam with some weird quirk. He might be on all for one's side for all we might know." said all might.

"Izuku was never Quirkless, remember? The doctor told you that he had a quirk that 'didn't work' which none of us had ever heard of. The doctor probably said that because he didn't know how it functions. We all know how smart izuku is he probably learned how it works without the help of the doctor. " interfered Nemuri.

"Well if that's the case, why in the world didn't he tell us." shot back Inko.

"That I don't know, it's really weird and I don't really think we can know unless Izuku himself tells us. " answered Nemuri.

Aizawa and hizashi didn't say anything. Aizawa was still shattered after noticing his nephew leaving his scarf behind and Hizashi just wanted to support his best friend.

"I've already taken my decision. Izuku Yagi is going to attend this school. He'll be a part of class 1 A under the teaching of Aizawa." nezu spoke.

The rest of the heroes knew better than to argue with the short white hybrid.

Back to Izuku, he was sitting down in his room meditating. He suddenly heard his doorbell ring and he went to check out who it was.

Once he opened the door he couldn't find anyone but he noticed a piece of paper sitting on the ground in front of him.

He took it and saw the symbol of UA on the paper. He smiled a little and entered the house ready to see whether his application was accepted or not.

"Wait how did they find the house?" asked Boruto.

"Are you stupid? He gave an application paper to Nezu which included where he lives." shot back Sarada.

"Ouch sarada how could you say that to the love of your life." Said Boruto again while faking feeling hurt.

Everyone else rolled their eyes at the blonde's childish argument.

Izuku entered his room and sat down on his bed and instantly opened the letter.

A small circular metal piece fell down on his bed and a hologram appeared in front of him.

The hologram was of nezu, the principal of UA. The entire hologram was of nezu congratulating the kid of his outstanding performance.

At the end of the speech, Nezu informed him that he gained the most points between all the competetors. Both because of the robots he defeated and points for the people he saved.

"Izuku Yagi, due to your fabulous performance we have decided that you are to be a part of our school. You'll find your pvc dorm card in this letter. You'll be a part of class 1 A, UA welcomes you." And with that the hologram ended.

Izuku's entire family cheared for him. He felt overwhelmed with all the joy as he jumped on his family in a hug making them fall back.

"Good job izuku, we're proud of you." said Sasuke with an unusual smile.

"Make sure to teach those butt faces a lesson." added kawaki.

"Thank you guys, and yeah I will." answered Izuku.

That was the first step of his new life.

Andddd chapter done.

Tell me what you guys think.

Also for the ship, I was thinking about hawksdeku (aged down hawks ofc), mirideku or shindodeku. If you guys have any different suggestions please tell me what you'd like.

Sorry of there are any mistakes.

Love yall <3

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