A Bird In Training

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Third Person POV

Izuku quickly changed into his beloved hero suit and rushed towards the room that the hero was waiting for him in.

"Sorry for taking so long." he said while scratching the back of his head.

" Oh its ok, I'd wait for hours straight if it meant seeing this lovely suit of yours." answered the hero.

Izuku shrugged it off and smiled back unaware what he should say.

"Come on we're going on patrol. Think you can fly a little out there?" asked Hawks.

"No, but I can easily jump from a building to another so don't worry about me." answered Izuku.

Hawks nodded a little and left through the window before telling Izuku anything.

Izuku followed suit and jumped from the window landing on the building beside him.

"Nice one, Izuku-kun, now let's go stop some villains." said Hawks

"You didnt say I was going to actually fight real villains?!" questioned Izuku.

"A real hero should always be ready to capture any villain he finds so show me that you deserve to be called a hero in training, Izuku." said Hawks.

Izuku stopped for a little before nodding and taking off, jumping from a building to a building follwed by Hawks flying beside him.

They looked around the entire city and were able to find 3 men fighting some lady.

Izuku didn't wait for Hawks to do anything, instead he jumped in the scene and kicked a guy in his face. He then took out his sword and held it next to another's neck.

The 3 thugs gave up and Izuku captured then took them to the police alongside Hawks and the lady who thanked Izuku for his bravery.

"Good job Izuku, you did a great job." said Hawks.

"It was just 3 thugs, nothing huge." said Izuku as he was jumping around.

"Yeah it's only 3 thugs but you still saved someone so good job." said Hawks.

Izuku only nodded and continued walking around until he heard his phone exploding with notifications.

He opened it while still jumping around and saw that the messages were from his class' groupchat.

He read through the messages and saw that everyone was absolutely suffering because of the heroes they just started training under.

Izuku smiled to himself and put his phone away. He chose a good hero to work under, he was like a bird in training.

That last thought made him giggle, Hawks looked at him but didn't question it and continued flying around.

They spent the entire day the same way saving everyone they could do until it was night.

They went back to the agency together and entered through the window as Hawks was too lazy to enter through the door.

"This was an amazing day, Hawks San." said izuku.

"I know right?! But the day is still not done." shot back Hawks.

Izuku looked at him with confusion and Hawks smiled before asking him to go and change into a normal outfit.

Izuku did that and came back wearing a white hoodie and black cargos unaware what Hawks was planning.

He saw Hawks wearing a similar outfit except with a T-shirt instead of the hoodie.

"Follow me to the roof, Izuku-kun." ordered Hawks.

Izuku didn't understand why that is but he did follow him.

"Can you please fly a little?" asked Hawks.

Izuku gulped then sighed before raising slowly of the ground and looking at the wing hero.

Hawks smiled before also raising of the ground. He then held izuku's hand.

"Let's take you on a trip so you could see how it is like to fly." said Hawks.

Izuku froze unaware if he should accept or not. Hawks didn't await his answer tho as he started flying with izuku holding to his hand.

"HAWKS WHAT THE HELL?!" Screamed izuku.

"Don't worry I won't let you fall we're just going on a trip. " said Hawks.

Izuku sighed as he slowly calmed down and allowed Hawks to fly him around the city.

They flew all around the city while Izuku was awwing whenever he saw anything in his way.

Hawks smiled to himself whenever his new intern showed any interest in the scenes in front of them.

He then took him a little higher where they were touching the literal clouds.

They continued their trip for a few hours before Hawks and Izuku were standing on the roof of a tall building.

Izuku smiled and hugged hawks without saying a word and the barely older guy hugged him back.

Chapter done.

Sorry if there are any mistakes.

Love yall <3

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