The End/The Beginning

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Third Person POV.
So much drama/Kinda Cringe.

For 3 days straight, Izuku wasnt allowed to patrol on his own. Hawks followed the teen in every step he took and supervised over every movement he did.

It was in the 4th day when Hawks trusted him enough for him to let him look out for the city for a few hours on his own.

That kept on for days until there were 2 days left before the internship ended.

Izuku was sitting down while watching TV with Hawks but the hero noticed that his 'sidekick' wasn't happy, instead he was frowning.

"What's wrong Izuku-kun?" Asked the hero.

"Nothing, I'm just sad that we have 2 days left until I have to leave and go back to UA." Answered Izuku.

"Aww you're going to miss me?" Cooed Hawks.

Izuku rolled his eyes and nodded a little while trying so hard not to hold eyes with the hero.

"Well since we have only 2 days left why don't we get to know each other better? It's not like you'll be going to outer space to study I can still visit you at UA or somewhere." Said Hawks.

Izuku hearing that grinned and nodded as he sat down beside Hawks.

The 2 boys sat down for hours talking about their life where Izuku told Hawks about his background not forgetting any information, he even told the hero about his parent's secret identities and Hawks was obviously and visibly furious with what he heard but he didn't say anything.

Izuku also learnt that Hawks was raised in a household with an abusive villain of a father and a neglectful mother. His parents didn't allow him to leave the house so that he wouldn't rat them out and that one day his father was beating him for running away to the city but was killed by a guy with strong blue fire quirk. Hawks didn't get to see the guy again.

The 2 boys saw the similarlies they had in the case of neglect and abuse and thus decided to pinky promise each other to always be there when one needs the other.

Both the young adults then left the building to patrol but Uzuku made sure to stay in the shadows as he had decided to hide from the public as much as possible after the whole Stain and nomu incident.

It took them only a few hours to check the entire city and it's surroundings. After their patrol, the two went on a trip above the sea until it was midnight where they danced in the air under the light of the moon.

They then went back to the building where they both went to their respective rooms to rest.

The second 2 days passed by the same with them looking over the entire city while still having their personal fun and flexing their flying to each other.

But not every phase of one's life remains forever as it was the end of his internship under Hawks.

He woke up and packed his stuff with visible sadness but he didn't let it affect him as he knew that the hero was obviously still around and was still able to meet him whenever they weren't studying or working.

He went to the main room and found Hawks waiting for him there which made him slightly smile.

"Uhm this is weird, thank you for being a great teacher and friend to me in the last 2 weeks Hawks-San, without you I couldn't have mastered my flight nor would I get to help all the people I helped. I'm really grateful for you and everything you've done to me even if we didn't have alot of time together." Thanked Izuku with a head bow.

Hawks smiled as he took the boy in his arms in a crushing hug.

"Oh Izuku-kun this is so emotional for me. You have nothing to thank me for, I'm really grateful that I got the chance to even say that I helped you train in any way. Don't forget to text or call me, if I don't do that first that is, everyday. Also for God's sake call me Keigo you literally are one of the few people that know my name." Said Hawks.

Izuku smiled and nodded before walking out of the door.

He was about to open the door until he sensed Gawk's presence change, he felt the hero's sadness taking over most of the room.

He stopped in his tracks before turning back and hugging the hero once more which the latter returned with tears in his eyes.

"I'm going to miss you." Whispered the hero.

"Not as much as I will." Said back Izuku.

They stayed in the same position for about a minute before letting go both with tears in their eyes.

The both started giggling after seeing each other with tears streaming down their eyes.

"I feel more of a drama queen than Aoyama." Said Izuku.

The pro hero bursted into laughter as he looked at his student indirectly insulting his classmate.

"Promise to talk to me every now and then?" Asked Hawks while raising his pinky finger.

"Promise." Qnswered Izuku locking their fingers together.

Izuku then left the building and went to the train station where he'd meet with his classmates again and go back to his school.

He was near the station when he heard that a notification reached him.

He got out his phone and opened it only to find that it was a message from the hero.

'Fly safely baby bird ;)'  was the message.

'Stupid bird' said izuku to himself while smiling.


I feel like this was so cringey since I don't usually write this much emotions and drama or whatever.

Anyways, sorry if there are any mistakes.

Love yall <3

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