Training For Pro

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Third Person POV

After the entire incident in the training camp, UA decided that it was better to transport class 1A into dorm rooms to ensure their safety.

The teachers took the permission of all the student's parents, but once it was Izuku's turn, they didn't ask anyone as Toshinori and Inko already 'Gave their consent'.

Class 1A went to the dorms and Shota explained that their bedrooms were on floors two, three, four and five; every student gets their own private bedroom, with each room having an AC unit, bathroom, refrigerator and closet.

Shota gave Class 1-A a map of their room locations and said that their luggage had already been sent into their allocated rooms.

Shota ended his explanation by telling Class 1-A to spend the rest of the day unpacking and organizing their rooms and that the day after, he would explain the operations of their new lifestyle.

The next day, Class 1-A began their school life anew.

In Class 1-A's room, Shota mentioned that their first objective would be earning their Provisional Hero Licenses.

"The Provisional Hero Licenses grants you permission to intervene directly when people's lives are at stake, and the exam to obtain the Provisional Hero Licenses is less than five per cent." Explained Aizawa

"As a preparation of this exam, everyone of you should create two signature moves to use in combat." Exclaimed their teacher.

Then, Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Cementoss entered the classroom to explain the usage of those special signature moves.

"The function of any Ultimate Move is to provide an advantage to you in hopes of winning the battle. These techniques should be unique to each one of you, and they should push the limits of your quirk to exploit the aptitude of a fighting style." Said Cementoss.

"Ultimate Moves do not have to be attacks. They simply must give you an advantage over your opponent." Exclaimed Ectoplasm.

"An example of an Ultimate Move would be Tenya Iida's Recipro Burst technique or Kamui Woods' Lacquered Chain Prison." Added midnight.

Iida was feeling proud about midnight using him as an example while Izuku was looking at his hands, wondering what kind of Ultimate Move he could come up with.

"Get into your hero costumes and follow me to Gym Gamma." Ordered Aizawa.

The students nodded their heads and went into the changing room, where they got into their costumes, then headed towards the gym.

At Gym Gamma, Cementoss explained to Class 1-A that the Gym Gamma was created by him, and using his Quirk, he could alter the gym to suit the needs of every student.

"Why are those moves necessary, tho?" Asked Izumi

"The Provisional Hero License Exam is designed to test your aptitudes such as information gathering, judgement, mobility, leadership, and communication in various types of trouble.However, the attitude that is most prevalent is fighting ability." explained Ectoplasm

"Bringing stability to a situation, which ultimate moves are capable of doing, is a mark of a hero's true fighting ability." Added Cementoss.

"The remaining ten days you have of summer break before the second semester begins will be entirely spent on developing your quirks and creating your special moves also you can do some upgrades to your costumes as it might help you in creating those moves." Ordered Aizawa.

Cementoss prepared the terrain, and Ectoplasm created clones of himself for Class 1-A to spar against, and then the students began training.

While all of Class 1-A were training, Izuku was puzzled and confused as to what his special move should be.

'Uhm guys, what kind of move should I work on?' He questioned the people in his head.

'You can always train on learning sage mode, the rasenshuriken, literally any kekkei genkai, any chidori variant, any hyuga fighting style etc, you have alot more so just pick and we'll train you.' Said Boruto.

Izuku sighed slowly, feeling like the blonde confused him even more than before.

But he still was fascinated by some of the suggestions given to him.

He smirked to himself before going to Aizawa.

"Mr. aizawa, may I leave the gym? The training I need can't be done here. I need to be outside." he asked

Aizawa looked around him and then sighed.

"Ok, sure, go ahead, but make sure that you're back at the dorms before midnight." Said Aizawa.

Izuku nodded before teleporting into his house.

He sat down and started writing down what he wanted to do in those 10 days.

He wanted to learn how to use Kaguya's
Eighty God Vacuum Attack, Sasuke's Chidori Variants, the Otsutsuki's Hair Binding Technique, A's Lightning release Chakra mode and Naruto's mini tailed beast ball.

'Kid, do you really plan on training with all of those in ten days?' Questioned toneri.

'Yeah, why wouldn't I?' Shot back, Izuku

'Kid, those are some very powerful yet hard abilities. Do you really think that you can do it in a matter of 10 days?' Asked Hamura.

'Yes. I have ten days, so I'll simply train the first nine without sleep and then take a rest at the tenth.' Answered Izuku.

'That's not healthy, but you do have enough inner chakra and stamina to do probably anything, so yeah, sure, why not.' Said Naruto.

'Are we just going to ignore that he's trying to learn a jutsus used by literally kaguya and the other otsutsuki?' Asked Sakura.

'What? Their powers are cool and useful. Why wouldn't I learn them?' Said Izuku.

'Izuku, the Eighty God Vacuum Fist, is a jutsu used only by Kaguya. None of us knows how this jutsu works. The hair binding technique is used by Otsutsuki's only. We also don't know how it works.' Said Sasuke.

Izuku sighed before teleporting into his mindscape.

"It's simple. I can just do this." Said Izuku..

He snapped his fingers, and a smoke appeared. Once the smoke cleared, everyone's eyes widened when they saw Kaguya standing in front of them.

Izuku asked Otsutsuki to train him, but he was rejected by her. She instead was wondering where she was and why the kid had more Chakra than she had ever seen.

When Izuku explained everything to her, she ended up training him, seeing as it was her only way of kind of staying in the real world instead of the afterlife.

After those 10 days passed by with Izuku training more than ever before and mastering everything he wished of mastering, Izuku was ready to take down everyone in his way.

Chapter done

Sorry if there are any mistakes

Love yall <3

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