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●   Most confused out of them all. Because he's never been around girls so much, Nya, Skylor, and Harumi not included, he has little knowledge about the female cycles.

●  When he noticed you sneaking something in your pocket while walking out of Nya's room, he questioned her about it and she told him not to worry about it, you were just on your period.

●  P-period?

●  She explained it to him, sure it may have been a bit uncomfortable for him but give him a break! He skipped years of childhood, he had no mother to explain this to him and he never hung out with a girl in his life !

●  He went to the nearest corner store he could find and paid for three different sizes of pads, tampons, some of your favorite chocolates, and some candies he thinks you'll enjoy.


 ● Being the only female Ninja on the team, not including Skylor, she knows the struggles of being on your period. She feels bad when she sees you sitting on your bed, sulking and crying over the cramps, so she tries to get you active like she does !

● She basically flips you off the bed and tells you to train with her, which normally you to snap at her but because she goes through what you go through she does nothing about it and sticks her tongue out at you.

● When you make it clear you just want to chill on your bed, couch, heck even floor, she just smiles as she buys you your favorite chocolates, and if you need it, pads/tampons. 


● He's grown up with his sister and some time with his mother. He will understand what you are going through and try his best to help you whenever you feel upset.

● He does what Nya does and tries to get you to be active and train with him, but whenever you train with him you tend to snap at the dumb dummy that you were hitting and break your wooden sword, starting to sob thinking Master Wu would get upset.

●  Kai only laughs when he sees you crying over dumb like that, but tells you it's all good and he'll understand. 

●  Need pads/tampons? 

●  He's telling Nya to get'em, sorry 😔



●  CALL 9 - 1 - FUCKING--

●  You tell him to calm down !! LMAO, he's getting scared over literally nothing! You can't blame him though, he legit thought you were dying he started to pray, which he DOES NOT DO !!

●  He asks what's happening and you explain you're on your period....and you've already lost him. With a chuckle, you literally had him sit on the floor and you sat in front of him and for the past hour, you explained what a period was.

●  He's scared for you, my god. 

●  He asks you to come with him to go pad/tampon shopping because he has no idea what he's doing, and when you're about to pay he steps out of the way and is all like 'NO! I'm the one who wanted to get you those! I asked you to tag along because i don't wanna screw this up!' and you smiled at him whilst he paid.

●  To make things funnier the cashier he was paying to was a female, and he blushed a bright pink as he grabbed your hand and ran out of the shop. 


●  He does not understand. 

●  He gets Nya to explain it to her so he can just help you and make you think he knows what he's doing,     which he's not.

●   You told him this was normal, but he still felt a bit uneasy whenever you mentioned it to him. He's not a huge fan of blood, thank you.

●    He would go out and buy you pads....you would just get a call or text every five minutes saying what kind of pads you use, whether you are comfortable with tampons, whether should he get the orange and green ones, all those kinds of questions.

●  He truly does love you because when the cashier stared at him with a '🤨' face he announced he was getting them for his friend who is sick in bed and if they get up and have to talk to people they will rain hell upon all. 


●  When you told him he was all like, 'okay, and??' like he already knew you were on it. You weren't really trying to hide the fact because well it's normal but Zane would always make it embarrassing

●  He and you are out shopping and he would ask if you are on your period, to which you blush and either say 'yes' or 'no' and he'll move on.

●  He sometimes questions why you get angry when things don't go your way and soon comes this long-ass speech talking about why you shouldn't get upset over the said thing, which angers you more but you soon end up sobbing.

●  He hugs you and pats your head gently as he tries to calm you down.

●  Zane also cooks you your favorite dinner with his pink apron and you get so emotional you offer to eat it with him, to which he agrees. 

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