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SUMMARY: Y/N has their wisdom teeth removed and Zane offered to take care of them while they recovered. 

SHIP: Zane x GN!Y/N

WARNINGS: none! Just a bunch of fluff!

AUTHORS NOTE: soooo, I never had my wisdom teeth removed. LMAO. But I will try my best to get this as accurate as possible.

SONG: Beyoncē  - Halo (Cover By Alexander Stewart)


"Y/N. Please come down, I do not want you injuring yourself." Zane's gentle voice called out to his partner who was pinning themselves at the top of the Monastery walls, refusing to let go. He had his arms raised out toward them just in case they fell he'll catch them. 


"Yeah, that's pretty much how gravity works." Kai's voice was heard as he, Cole, and Nya stood beside Zane, trying to help Y/N down from the walls. "You're not helping, Kai!" Nya spat placing her hands on her hips. "I'm not trying to help. They're hilarious, you cannot look at me in the eye and tell me this isn't funny--." Kai started to chuckle as he spoke but covered it with a cough when he made eye contact with Nya who glared at him like a predator about to pounce on its prey.

Y/N's feet soon started to dangle on the opposite side of the wall towards the cliff part and Zane's eyes widened as he stomps his feet to the ground to create a wide ice slide. When Y/N slid off, they started to giggle when they hit the ice and slide down toward the four Ninjas.

"Again--!" Y/N cheered, but Cole was quick to grab them by the waist and hoist them up in the air forcing their legs to kick out in mid-air as they whined. "Oh no, you don't.-ACK!" Cole was met with an elbow to the jaw, causing him to throw Y/N over his shoulders, feeling the teenager punch his back but to him, it felt like pebbles. 

"They just elbowed me! In the face!!" He shouts in disbelief, holding his nose hoping it didn't start bleeding. Zane just sighs as he walks over to his friend dressed in black as he took Y/N, holding them close in his arms. They got tired of kicking and punching so they just started whining softly, "My mouwth hurts." 

Tears formed at thee brigde of their eyes while they spoke, small sniffles escaped their mouth as they spoke.

Y/N had their face buried in Zane's neck while they snuggled into him, a small frown on his lips. "I know, I know. How about we fix that, hm?" Not a single word came out of Y/N as they nod, the Nindroid entering the Monastery.


"Zaaaaaane. You have the cutest smile in the world, dwid you know twhat?" Y/n squeals as they rolled back and forth on Zane's bed in his room. The Nindroid was seated beside them, a small smile forming on his mouth as he wrapped a cloth around a slim block of ice. "You think so? Because last I checked, you were the one with the cutest smile in the world." He boops Y/N's nose when he spoke, causing them to let out bubbly laughter.

"What's that?-" Y/N soon asks after a brief moment of silence, pointing to the ice in his hand. Zane looks at them before the ice block. "It is to help with the pain in your jaw. Do you mind if I place this there?" Zane asks and before he could place it, Y/N grabs it and tried to stuff it in her mouth. 

"Oh, no! Y/N- you-" The Nindroid cuts himself when he watches his partner fall backward on the bed, the ice in her mouth as she giggles. 

"Does it still hurt?"

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