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REQ: It's me again here to request some more platonic ninja 🤭 Can I request ninja and male best friend reader headcanons. Pretty please with cherries on top ( I'm so sorry for that ) 💖Hope you day it amazing as always

hello!! tysm for this request, i would die to be best friends with them !! really hope you enjoy this, sorry if it seems short 💔


· dumbass duo

· both of you pull all-nighters

·they can either end of successful, or a certain master wu doubling your training times because you decided to stay up late, telling him you weren't tired.

·you steal his hair gel, and he beats your ass if he catches you in the process of taking it.

· when you do take it without him noticing, he just always glares at you because he knows you stole it. he never understood why? was it just to piss him off?

· cuz what type of friend doesn't piss their other friend off for fun? 

· karoke nights>> 

· you and kai verese everyone else. you decides who solo's that :)

· kai starts food fights, but you finish them. when you both were younger, every thing was a challenge between you both.

·guess some people never change


· you tried to teach the poor man how to bake :(

· ended with you both getting a scolding by zane. 

· worth it, you were able to have a food fight.

· although you lost because cole is basically a master at dodging, it was still fun.

· you both go on walks to pastery shops and see who will pay for what.

· rock, paper, sisscors, SHOOT ,, cole's paying today.

·he helps you train, alothough it ends with you slamming your face into the ground most of the time he tries to help where he can. 

· sleepovers at your place>> 

· sharing a room with the guysyou and him put on face masks bc cole wanted to. surpirsinly it helped you both relax :)

· tried to cook you lunch bc he was sick and tired of you making fun of him not being able to cook, and the next minute later firefighters were knocking at your front doors bc your nieghbor's could smell the smoke.

· you never allow him in the kitchen alone anymore. gives the best hugs. it's like hugging a teddy bear, only it's cole.


· i see the both of you doing the dumbest of tiktok trends together.

·  your dating kai, right,, and you snuck into the bathroom durning his shower with a bucket of cold water and poured it over the curtains.

· jay was outside the room recording the noise, quickly running away with you hearing your boyfriend's (kai's) girly scream.

· you both get scary durning video games. 

· you both could just be cussing at each other while the others are in the back with zane covering lloyd's ears, and cole covering zane's ears.

·   both kai and nya don't care, just don't rip each other's throats out.he likes to go outside with you and chat about your day. it ends with you both laughing because while talking jay ran into a tree and fell onto you, both of you hitting the floor. 

· you both have blackmail photo's of each other you both just like to show the others. 

· you both go down for midnight snacks, running into lloyd who is just sitting at the kitchen table with a stash of candy. you all have a routine now. 

· cole sometimes comes down, but kai neevr does because he's not dealing you you four at 12 at night, that's not what he signed up for. 

· you both like arts and crafts, but jay is always the one to drag you into them. 


· you: run's into the road without looking

· zane: grabs your collor and pulls you back

· thats how all great friendshios start (i should know, ahem) 

· you both like to take walks,, anywhere! you don't need to be going anywhere you can literally just walk in a straight line and you'll both be lost in conversation. 

· always asks if you'd eaten, drank water, and got a good nights rest.

· he does this for everyone, actually. 

· you introduced him to ':)' '<3' :0' ':l" texting, and he now does it on a daily basis. 

· you both cook together, and you start food fights with him. makes you laugh without even trying <33

· you take snapchat photos because he loves them. you snapped a picture of him, and showed him his filtered picture. 

· makes you go to sleep and wake up at proper times. loves dancing with you, just dance is something he may be bad at but he loves the time with you.

· once you danced straight into a wall, and you both kinda stopped because he's gotten worried about you.


· you both share a snack stash with your favorite chocolates and candies. 

· you both stay up late.plays video games 24/7.

· you and him go on midnight runs because you both love the aesthetic of the night.

· you both train together, and make bets. you steal eahc others candies.

· sleepovers>>movie nights>>

· you comfort him when he's upset about his father, and he returns the same comfort to you when you need it.

· loves you like a brother. 

· gets angry when you get hurt in battlesingle pringles

· y/n: he asked for no pickles!

· lloyd: y/n...

· you both don't really like parties, so you stay home together and have sleepovers.


a/n: guys, i want to start posting my ninjago headcanons ,, do you guys even want to see them?

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