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REQUESTER: anon on tumblr (link in bio!)

WARNINGS: may be a bit longer than anticipated :>, fluff, small kai and nya sibling moment <3 (we love them) reader is a teenager age (15-17) so is Kai - also when i say brat i mean it in a cute, goofy way (you'll find out why when you read)

A/N: i'm crying, i couldn't find any gifs where kai was hit with the venomari venom :< this gif will have to do.

RELATIONSHIP: couple/dating <3

↳ RELATIONSHIP: couple/dating <3

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The Toxic Bogs.

Why does it have to be the Toxic Bogs?

While Zane and Cole went off on their own. Y/N ventured off with Kai and Jay to the Toxic Bogs to stop Pythor from opening up the last two Serpentine Tombs. Jay was currently being Jay and shouting into the tomb, a ringing of his voice repeating. While Y/N, and their boyfriend, looked around for any weird snack activity but nothing was found. Nothing but a small purple frog, causing Kai to draw his sword in fear but Y/N pulled it back. 

"Kai, wait! It's just a harmless frog!" They defended the creature, who bounced onto a green rock. Kai sighs as he lets his guard down, "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that." He began, talking to the frog, "Heh, If I wasn't such a well-trained nin—" 

It all happened so fast.

The 'rock' suddenly rose from the toxic water.

  Wait. That's not a —

A Venomari Serpentine spat some of its venom towards Kai, but Y/N thought on their feet. "Kai!" They cried, pushing the red ninja out of the venom's spit beam. Y/N felt the venom sink into their body. Their head felt dizzy and they started to sweat. 

Kai groans as he sits up, shaking his head as he tried to regain focus. Once he did he looked over back to Y/N to see them on their knees, holding their head. "Y/N!" he shouted in fear and worry, using his sword to shove the snake back into the venomous waters surrounding them. He kneeled down in front of them, putting his sword down to the side and taking Y/N hands not taking his eyes off his partner. 

"Y/N. Y/N, look at me. Are you okay?"He cuts himself off with his own gasp when he and Y/n made eye content. Their eyes were bright green, and small tears formed in the corner of their eyes. Not even a second later, Y/N lets out a scream of terror and pushed Kai back with their feet, scooting back as far as possible. 

What the heck— Kai thought, rubbing his side where Y/N's foot kicked him. Looking back at the teenager, Kai notice how panicking they got when more snakes, not only the Venomari, popped out from the waters and ground.

"Y/N!" Kai once again called out, pushing off some snakes to get to them."Gingerbread and Elf people— Everywhere! Get'em away!" They cried, drawing out their weapons and waving it around, causing Kai to dodge both the weapon and snake attacks.

"Jay!" Kai called out to the Lighting Ninja, who looked back and his eyes widened when he saw what was going on. Taking out his nunchucks, he began to spin them up above his head and slowly walked toward his two teammates.

"Ooookay. Y/N, I need you to snap out of your trance and help us out here!" Jay cried, but Y/N soon fell to the floor and scooted behind both of the ninjas who stood in front of them. "I—I can't! Too many of them! We've never found little people before! What makes you think this is normal! We're toast!"

"What's gotten into them?" Jay asked Kai, who were surrounded by snakes left and right. 

"They got sprayed with the venom! The Venomari came out of nowhere, I didn't have time to react so Y/N pushed me to the side and took the hit for me!" Kai replied.

"Oh, that's great! We're surrounded by hundreds of snakes and we're down a NInja! Can't get any better than this!

˗ˏˋtimeskip ( back at the Bounty ) 'ˎ˗

After almost, well, everything. Y/N was a hassle to get to the Bounty. Once they all woke up from the sleeping gas, Y/N woke up but could barely stand. Y/N was the first to wake up, meaning Nya had to carry them all the way to their room by herself but it was hard when Y/N could barely move like a human.

Thank god they don't just see those Elves and Gingerbread people.

Entering Y/N's room, Y/N was getting dragged by the girl across the floor and to her bed. "C'mon, Y/N! I need you—to get in this bed—" 


Nya looked back at the bed as Y/N jumped into her arms. The 'teeth' was the two white pillows and the 'tongue' was just their blankets and sheets.

"Y/N, the bed isn't going to eat you. Here, lay down and you'll see what I mean—"


"Get in the bed—"




After the back-and-forth bickering, Nya was finally able to throw Y/N onto the bed and quickly pinned her, leaning over the edge to pin them down, the blanket covering her. The teenager calmed down and stopped kicking, allowing Nya to take a few deep breaths.

"Is it just me, or is the room spinningweeee!

They giggled, rolling side to side on the bed. Because Nya held onto the blanket, she followed the teen back and forth causing her to groan. "Y/N, please. Just close your eyes for a second and sleeep!" Nya begged. Suddenly she heard the door knock and she turned her head around to find her brother Kai, grinning at the two.

"They tired yet?" The hothead asked, walking into the room. Y/N soon rockets up and gasps, their eyes sparkling when they see Kai. "KAIKAIKAIKAIKAI!!" They screamed with joy, trying to get out of bed but Nya pinned her down harder.

 "This answers your question?" Nya sighed causing her brother to laugh and motion for her to move back. She did so and Kai sat beside Y/N and wrapped his arm around their neck. Nya watched as Y/n cuddled close to her brother and smiled softly when she saw them close their eyes. 

"Thanks for doing all the dirty work," Kai joke. Nya rolled her eyes playfully, ruffling Kai's hair. "Shut up," She began, "They may be a bit dizzy waking up. So that's a whole new problem you gotta deal with, not me." She puts her arms up in a defense motion and walks out of the room,

 "Love ya too, sis."Nya smiled, 

"Love ya too, big bro. Tell the little brat I say love them too." With a small chuckle from Kai, Nya left the room closing the door. Looking back at his partner, Kai moved a bit of their hair away from their face. "You passed out yet, babe?" He asked, waiting for an answer but after not getting one answer out of you, Kai sighs and puts the blanket over your and his legs and drifted off to sleep with you.

˗ˏˋ morning (trying to get out to train) 'ˎ˗

"Babe, slow down. You're gonna fall—"

"Pfft! No, I won't— watch me!"


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