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Hi can I request kai X male reader

Where Kai is having a bad day or something and male reader comforts him

 Also I'm sorry if it seems rushed, I got many more req to get through, but I tried my best with this one :] 


You were silently reading when the door burst open, a figure stormed through. That 'figure' was nobody but your boyfriend. "Kai?" You yelled after him, closing your book.

Cole entered the scene, watching Kai storm off to whereever. He noticed you moments later and smiled, "Hey, Y/N."



"What happened?"

The team recently came back after a mission, a unsuccessful one at that. The Mechanic robbed a jewelry store with his 'out of the ordinary' noodle truck.

Unfourtuently, he got away...and Kai blames himself. The others tried to tell him it wasn't his fault, and they'll get him next time. However, Kai was in no state for 'talking'. He pushed them all away until they reached the Monestary.

"And yeah, Kai blames himself for the Mechanic escaping with the jewels. He won't listen to us, but maybe he'll listen to you?" Cole finished explaining, now walking toward the kitchen.

"Nya?" You called and she hummed in response, entering the room. The others followed behind closely. "Have you tried talking to him? I know your his sister, so maybe he might listen to you more then us?"

Nya chuckled, "You would say that, but he's not listening to me. No matter what I say. Your his boyfriend, Y/N. We see how much he loves talking to you. He's not the one to 'open up to others' but he's really close to you."

She tapped your shoulder gently before walking away.

You thought for a moment before sighing and going back to your book. He needs to let off some steam or else he'll burn me to a crisp. You told yourself, losing your train of thought as your read the words in the book you were reading.


Hours passed and it was dinner, finally. Maybe you could talk to Kai then? Nope. Turns out he wasn't anywhere at the table. He's usually the first one here, or 3rd depending on his mood, but he's always here.

"Where's Kai?" You questioned, looking at the team who ate their food. "I don't know." Jay shrugged, "Probaly still mad over something that wasn't his fault, for the 50th time this month." He took another bite of food.

You bounced your leg, rubbing your arm in worry. You know Kai and when he's like this there's no telling what he might do. You saw his plate on the kitchen counter and decided to finally speak to him.

You pushed your chair back and excused yourself from dinner, taking your plate and tossing the leftover food in the trash and your plates in the sink.

The others watched silently as you took Kai's plate and left the room.


"Kai?" You called his name out softly, knocking on his door with your knuckle ever so softly. "Kai, It's me." Knowing that will do little, you still thought he should know it's only you.

"Come on, you have to eat, babe." You spoke softly, waiting for a response.


Not even a groan, or a complaint.

You sighed. Grabbing the door handle and twisting it, slowly opening the door. When you opened the door and when you entered it was pitch black.

It was also really, really cold. you looked around the room.He didn't seem to throw a fit in here, actually it seemed kinda clean. Not what I was expecting. You told yourself, but you shook that thought out of your head. If Kai wasn't here, where did he go?

You entered the room slowly, placing the plate on a dresser beside he's bed. Your eyes scanned the room until your eyes locked on the open window.

You peeked your head out of the window to see Kai out in the courtyard. He was beating a punching bag like it owed him over due money.

You could tell he was overusing his power, his hands were burning a bright fire. He was sweating from head to toe. You quickly made your way outside to the courtyard. The moonlight mixed with Kai's fire light, along with the inside of the Monestary was the only thing lighting up the place.


"What?" He grumbled.

You said nothing. Unsure what to say. You fiddled your fingers, figuring out what to say.

"Uhm. I know...your not feeling great. I just wanted to say-"

"I'm fine." He glared. His voice was husky and it sounded like he hadn't drink water for days.

"Kai. I'm worried about you."

"What's there to worry about, I'm fine."

You glared at him, grabbing his bicep and forced him to look at you. As you did, he's hand was on fire but you were to blind to notice. When you spun him around, he almost slammed his hand to your cheek but he stopped himself.

You both toppled over, landing on the ground.

"Fuck, Y/N!" He growled, getting up as you stood to your feet. "I could have burned you, are you stupid?!" He got close to your face, pinning to the wall surrounding the Monestary.

"Kai-Calm down."

"YOU CALM DOWN!" He growled, pulling away from you and you noticed his ears turn red.

"I know you think what hapepned today was your fault, but it wasn't! what's it got to take to make you beileve that?" You spoke quietly, not wanting to piss him off more then he already is.

"How about him not getting away in the palm of my hand! I couldn't get to him in time, I could've done something to stop him or-or slowed him down so I can-"

He paused, pinching the bridge of his nose.

It was quiet for moment.

You pulled yourself away from the wall, circling around him to face him. "What if...there wasn't more 'I'?" You suggested. Kai slowly managed to pull his head up and look at you, "What?"

"We're a team for a reason, Kai. Me, you, Lloyd, Cole, all of us. There was an 'I' we do things together. It wasn't you who let the Mechanic get away. You all tried your hardest and you'll get him next time."

"But..." Kai pants, "But I was the closest to stopping him. It's my fault he got away-"

"It's nobody's fault, Kai." You laughed, placing a hand on his shoulder. You saw he's eyes start to water and his lips teembles, but it was like he refused to cry.

"It's okay." You mouthed and he gently smashed his face into the crook of shoulder and you felt his body shake as he took a deep breath in and out.

You hugged him tight, not letting go until he stopped crying or felt the need to let go.

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