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-> could we get a ninjago love languages? and how they show it? love ur books btw <3

adding Nya because I need to write to her more! thx for the request anon, sorry for the long wait! hope you enjoy and have an awesome day/night !!

reader's pronouns are they/them

warnings are Kai's might be a bit "ahem" but yall don't do anything, i don't write that :( also, Zane's might be short. Maybe Nya and Lloyd's i'm so dehydrated lmaooo what is life.


Kai's love language would have to be physical contact, he has got to be touching you all the time. He loves to run his hands up and down your body from time to time, sulking at every single reaction you give him. It makes him feel so powerful that just by the touch of his fingertip he has you like putty in his hands. Anyway, he likes to hug you, high-five you when you complete training, ruffles your hair, anything that means his body is making contact with yours.

Cole's is somewhat the same as Kai's but he also likes to just have your company. Like quality time together, that's all he'll ask for. He does like to touch you, but only if you are comfortable with him doing so, which you normally are. Other times it's normally you and him and no one else. Chatting about each other's days n' stuff. He juts loves all that time with you.

Jay's changes from time to time. One day he'll want you cuddled up in his arms, the next he'll gift you with cute gifts he made with some small robot/mechanical parts, and other times he'll just want to be in the same room as you. Doesn't matter what your doing, he wants to be with you. With physical contact, he won't do anything to go "over-bored" with your boundaries. ( unless you're comfortable ) He will also just build you small gifts out of the robotic parts he uses to fix the vehicles. One time he made a bouquet of metal flowers for your 1 year anniversary. ( he's just the cutest, you can't deny that gift "

Zane doesn't know what it really means. I mean, love isn't a language? Must you learn how to speak "love" in order to have love? You couldn't help but cackle when he asked you about "love languages." His would definitely be just quality time. He loves having you accompany him during training, missions, or even just on day offs.

Nya is the same as Kai. She's protective over you. She likes to have you in her arms at almost all times. ( only lets you go when you really need her too, it's an emergency, you want her to let go, or if it's time to train ) When it's a mission, she needs you to be by her cause if you get hurt she'll beat the enemy up and help you almost ASAP. It's also an excuse to give you a kiss and feel your soft skin on her hands.

Lloyd's will be "compliments or praises." He's not a touchy kinda Ninja. He doesn't really feel comfortable with physical contact. ( heh you and me both ) He's also not the best at it. So he shows his love to you by showering you with compliments, kisses to the nose, praises, and sometimes high fives! He grew up learning the ways of a villain, it's going to take him some time before he can start learning "the way of the Ninja."

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