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REQ: could you PLEASE write a Kai and nya x reader oneshot where Y/N is a rich mommy, takes nya and Kai to places they couldn't afford as kids and go shopping? :(

sry the ending is rushed, this was sitting in my drafts for days D: BUT this was so cute and fun to write <33 this children have my heart and soul. ALSO KAI'S FRECKLES AAAWH!!! <333 anyway, hope you enjoy!


When Nya and Kai were born you were best friends with Maya and Ray. They treated you like family and were so excited to have you meet Kai and Nya.

However, when Krux and Acornix appeared and took the Master of Water and Fire, you were their only family they could rely on.

When they were younger you refused to tell them why your parents left for so long, so all you said was they were on a mission and may not be back for a couple of days.

You wanted to go after them, but their children needed you. You did everything in your power to be the best mother figure you could to them.

They ended up growing up with you, always visiting Four Weapons everyday because Kai would throw tantrums when he wasn't there.

As you watched Kai run into the shop with his little legs, you felt something tug on your pants. Looking down you saw Kai's younger sister, Nya look up at you.

You smiled as you lifts her up and hold her in your arms. Suddenly she points to her pants and you looked down to see a hole near her knee and her dress was stained with grass and dirt.

You called Kai over and as he did you noticed his clothes were dirty and stained as well.

You thought for a moment, getting an idea instantly as you put Nya down.

"How would you guys like to go shopping for new clothes!"

The little girl clapped her hands, while her brother blew a raspberry, crossing his arms.

"Ew. Shopping's for girls." Kai groaned, refering to you and Nya. "I'm a boy, and boy's don't go shopping!"

You chuckled slightly, squatting down to the boy's level.

"Boys are also clean! And you, sir, are a messy little boy." You smiled as you poked his side, causing him to squeak and jump, pushing your finger away.

"Fine. But- only because I don't want to stink!" Kai walked past you as you picked up Nya and followed Kai who thought he could take the lead.

"Sure thing, buddy."


You and the Smith kids reached the mall smack in the middle of Ninjago City. God, who said it would be this busy. You told yourself as you held Kai's hand so he wouldn't run off anywhere, depsite his puling of his arm.

"Okay, where do you two want to go?" You asked the kids, who stayed silent for a moment before you noticed Nya point to a store, "Toy's R Us?" You asked and the gilr nodded, sucking her fingers as she contiued to look at the store.

"I want to go in there!" Kai giggled evily as he pointed to a Hot Topic, "No, you're too young for it." You said quickly as you pulled him into Toy's R Us for Nya.

As you entered you placed Nya in the cart while Kai trailed behind, wanting to go to Hot Topic, not knowing what he'll find in there. Over time he found a couple of toys he seemed to enjoy and liked the trip to this store.

You were able to get Nya a couple of new toys while Kai wanted to buy the whole damn store.

"Y/N! Y/N! Look! Look!" Kai laughed as he pointed at toy car. It was the color red with a orange flame design on the side of it. The wheels were also painted gold.

"I bet it could go really really fast!" Kai spoke as he made car noises and raced around the asile. You smiled softly, picking the toy up and placed it in the cart with Nya who was playing the doll box she had in her hand.


"Okay," You sighed as you were finally able to step out of Toy's R Us, looking at the recpit and chuckled. "You both made me spend over 85$ already?" You joked as Kai shrugged, jumping up and down in the cart.

"Okay, how about we actually get what we came here for?" You asked and Nya giggled, nodding her head as Kai agreed with his sister.

Minutes tured into hours and you were able to but the siblings new sets of clothes for them to put when they got home.

"Do you both like what you go?" You asked, walking out of the mall holding Nya in your arms while you held Kai hand. "Totally!" Kai grinned as he placed on his new sunglasses you bought him.

"I'm glad," You smiled, heading back for home.


As you three got home, Kai quickly ran to use the bathroom while you took your shoes off, locked the door, and placed Nya on the couch while you grabbed the bags and placed them on the kitchen tables.


You turned around to see Nya wave a dress in the air. "You lil'sneak!" You smiled, walking over to her playfully with your hands on your hips, "When did you grab that?"

"Wear!" The little girl demanded.

You took out your phone and checked the time. You sucked your teeth in.

"It's already 9: 30, hun. And you still have to take your bath." You picked Nya up, hearing Kai exit out of the bathroom. "However, tomorrow you can wear all the new clothes you bought!" You made a deal with the girl, who smiled and nods.

"Even me?" Kai's voiced was heard from the kitchen, causing you to laugh. "Even you, Kai. We'll have a mini fashion show!"

"Oh! We should record it and show mama and papa!" Kai smiled eagerly, running to his room to change into his PJ's, no knowing he also needs to take a bath, but you said nothing.

You went quiet when Kai mentioned Ray and Maya, in their case, their parents. How are you going to tell them?

Nya grabbed your cheek, pinching it, knocking you out of your thoughts, instantly smiling and tossing Nya into the air as you walked into the bathroom. 

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