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hi baba!! hope u feel better <3 anyway this thought just popped up in my head and ur like the best ninjago writer i know so could u do one where lloyd and yn are like gaming and to distract yn he kisses yn without thinking and tyen thats their first kiss

idk if this makes sense in the slightest but ily baba xx


Lloyd and Y/N have been friends since babyhood, but little does Y/N know that Ninjago's Savior in Green is in love with them.

reader's pronouns are they/them

warnings are fluff


"Come on, Garmadon. You can do better than that!"

"Well, it's hard when every three seconds I get smacked in the face by red shells!"

You snicker at Lloyd's comment, throwing yet another red shell at him causing him to groan. "Y/N!" Your snickers turned into laughter watching Lloyd come in 5th while you came in 2nd.

He gave you a pout, glaring at you trying to act angry. In full honesty, he could never be upset with you for these types of reasons.

"WHOOP WHOOP!" You cheered, dancing in your spot with your legs crisscrossed while Lloyd sat on the couch behind you. He put his chin on his palm as he looked over at you, "You came in 2nd." He spoke in a monotone tone and all you did was a smirk.

"And you came 5th. Meaning I still beat you. Six times in a row!"

This caused the green savior to roll his eyes before grinning to himself after some thought, "How about we spice things up a little bit?" You gave your friend a teasy grin back, "How so?" You remarked, curious to see where he's going with this.

"If I beat you in one more round of Mario Kart, you'll have to give up your comic book collection." Lloyd knew how much you loved comics growing up. He and you would always do a comic trade when you both grew up, so this was gold. You would never let anyone touch your comic book collection unless it was for a good cause...you aren't going to back down on this deal.

"Fine. And if I win, you have to do my laundry for an entire week."

"Really? At least mine was somewhat creative." Lloyd joked, smiling when he saw your pouty lips.

"Pick up the controller, Garmadon, let's play.

A couple of minutes went by and currently, and you were winning, as per usual. You had your eyes stuck on the screen while your tongue was stuck out of the brim of your lips.

Lloyd glanced at you a couple of times, and if he was going to be home, you looked cute. He's never seen you in a such focus besides during missions or out in patrol.

He told himself to focus. His crush on you can wait until he's done rubbing his victory in your face! However, he couldn't keep his eyes off you.

He confuses himself sometimes. During battles, it's easy to talk, fight, and aid beside you but when it comes to a casual day...he's a train wreck.

He wanted to win. He's done getting flustered because you keep beating him at this silly racing game. he noticed how close you were to him. Your head was resting on the couch while you sat on the carpet, all while Lloyd is on the actual couch. His legs were crisscrossed and he was able to see the top of your head.

He thought for a moment until he came up with is stupid? plan to win this round. It was the last lap, so it was now or never.

But what if they find me gross and weird? Lloyd thought to himself, not realizing the timer going down on the lap. He took a deep inhale before exhaling...calming himself before going into action.

"Haha! Better get ready for the laundry, Lloyd. I got a bin full of mine in my roo-"

You were cut off by a pair of lips smashing onto yours and your eyes widened. you saw strands of bright blonde hair cloud your vision, tickling your cheeks.

You've never felt this many butterflies in your stomach before. what was he doing? He does realize this is-

Lloyd pulled away, taking a breath of air while you did the same...your cheeks were pink as you dropped the controller out from your hand

The game was long forgotten about. Many thoughts were running through your head as you came in last place with Lloyd coming in 4th.

Lloyd was obviously flustered as well, but he seemed to have a better advantage at hiding it.

You were literally frozen.

"You were saying something about me doing your laundry?"

"Lloyd!" You squeaked, unable to move your body as you stared at e screen.

Crap. Did i break them?" Lloyd panicked.

"You just...kissed me..."


Lloyd started to stumble on his words, waving his hands in front of him, "Y/N-Y/N..I'm sorry! I-I was just trying to win, It was a joke, please, I—"

You steady yourself, using Lloy's knee to hold your arms up as you placed another kiss on his jawline before heading u moe o kiss his lips.

Now he was the one who was caught off guard. What is going on? Do you like him back?

You pulled away slowly, taking in the moment you've been waiting for almost 2 years.

"Never talk about this...to anyone." You closed your eyes as you spoke, sensing someone by the door. Lloyd slowly passed you to see Kai sitting at the two of you.

"Look at that. My lil bro and lil'rascul over here got themselves a thing for each other?"

"Kai, I swear to the First Spinjitzu Master—"

"Don't worry your pretty little eyes about it Y/N, I've heard ya' the first time." Just as the hot-head was about to leave, he peeks his head back once more— "No baby making yet. I don't want to become a surprise uncle—"

"KAI! Both you a Lloyd screamed and Kai was officially gone....for now. He was definitely going to tell someone about what he saw.

Both you and Lloyd were silent...unsure of what to do...

"Soo.." Lloyd started, fiddling with his fingers as you pushed away from him.

"Well, there's no point in denying. We both like each other.." You blushed...what a weird way to confess.

Lloyd nods, "Does that makes us...?"

You gave him a blank stare.

"Look, I don't know how any of this works—Don't—"

"Yes....It does."

Lloyd looks back up at you with a smile as you smiled back.

"Okay!" He chuckled, letting all the stress from his shoulders fall, as while you did the same.

"Yup." You added, and an awkward silence filled the room.


"You want to kiss me again?"

"More than anything." 

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