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REQUESTER: anon on tumblr (link in bio!)

WARNINGS: none rly

RELATIONSHIP: couple/dating <3

TYPE: fluffy fluff, crack, romantic, teenage romance

Walking down the hall of the Monastery, Y/N stretched and yawned at the same time making her way toward the kitchen. The clock on the wall she walked by read 10: 35 AM, so she was the last one to wake up.

Her hair was in a messy bun, her PJs were wrinkled and stained from last night's food, and she was tired.

Maybe some coffee will wake me up. She thought to herself, rubbing her left eye with her right hand.

She was surprised to wake up this morning without having Zane almost drag her out of her comfortable blankets and pillows prison.

Actually, now that she thought about it.

Y/N hasn't seen anyone since she woke up. It's not a day off so maybe they're training? No, that would mean Y/N would've woken up much earlier than now.

Y/N enters the kitchen to find the table filled with cake ingredients. She blinked and stood there for a couple of moments before noticing a patch of black locks peak from under the table, looking through the cupboards.

"Cole?" Y/N's morning voice rang across the small kitchen. Her intuition was correct. She watched Cole's head hit the cupboard edge with a thud and soon his groan filled the room. Y/N cringed, hearing the thud from her boyfriend who stands up from the wooden floor.

He rubs his head before looking to his right. It was like the pain went away just like that when Cole saw her beautiful figure stand by the doorway.

He gasps, "Baby! Good, you're awake! I need your help!" His smile caused Y/N to smile softly, but it went away when he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the sink.

"Wha—Cole, what are you doing?" Y/N asked as Cole turned on the water, and tested the temperature before sticking his hands under it, washing both of their hands at the same time.

"Well," he started, "I asked the guys if they would want to bake a cake with me. But they made up some dumb excuse saying Sensei needed them for 'errands'." Cole rolled his eyes, taking a cloth and drying his hands.

"Then I asked Nya but she just said I can't bake a cake, so I'm here to prove her wrong. She and Sensei went out to get some groceries."

He tossed you one as well as he continued, "So now they're gone. But since you're here you can help me!" He smiled fondly at Y/N, causing her to freeze. "Eh, me?"

"Yeah, you!"

He took two aprons out from the cupboard under the sink and threw Y/N an F/C one while he tied an orange one around his waist. With a sigh, Y/N tied the apron as well, putting her hair in another bun but it was more appropriate and mature.

"Great! Where do we start?" Y/n asked, rubbing her eyes once again and waiting for Cole to respond.

"Uh—" He began, scratching the back of his neck and chuckling nervously, "You know, because you're here I was kinda thinking you would take the lead?"

Y/N gave her boyfriend an 'are-you-kidding-me' look before rolling her eyes, taking some flour from the table, and pouring two cups into the mixer on the other side of the counter by the sink.

Cole watched you do so, smirking when he got an idea. At first, he innocently wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist, pressing a soft kiss to her temple as she smiled.

But suddenly he grabbed a handful of flour and smacked his hand against her face, a flour cloud formed around Y/N and he cackled moving back from her figure.

"Cole!" She shrieked while laughing, her eyes closed shut as she wiped her face with her forearm.

"Ihihi'm sohohory!" he laughs, "Ihi couldn't hehelp myselef!"

"Yohou think that's funny?" Y/N asked with giggles escaping her mouth as she wipes the flour from her eyes and hair. Now she grabbed a handful full of flour and raised it high.

"Babhy. Baby!" Cole began, his hands up in defense as he backed away, hoping Y/N will listen, "Ihi'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay, truce? You don't have to—"

"Paybacks a bitch."

With that, Y/N jumps at her boyfriend sending both of them to the floor as she stuffs the flour down Cole's shirt. He shrieked in laughter, trying to pull Y/N off of him, but to no avail.

"Y/N!" he cried, shoving his girlfriend away with his hands to her face While Y/N was down he was able to grab two eggs and hold Y/N in a gentle chokehold, the two eggs hovering above her head.

"Cohole. Cole, plheease! Wait—Wait! I take the truhuce! TURHUCE!"

Cole chuckled evilly, gently smacking Y/N in the face and head with the eggs, smothering the yolk all over her skin and it dripped down in her shirt causing her to arch her back and shriek.


"Yhour the one who threw the flour at me!"

"Thahat's because you did it toho me first!" Y/N argued back, pushing Cole off of her and smacking him in the arm. He laughed, handing her a clean towel and allowing her to wipe her face and back.

"I thought you wanted to bake a cake?!"

"I know, and I still do. I just couldn't miss this opportunity." Cole smiles, taking her hand, helping Y/N up to her feet, and giving her nose a quick kiss. "Besides, you look cute while getting obliterated by food." He winked, causing Y/N to push his face away, and sighed.

"Who's gonna clean up all this flour—"

"Sounds like a job for the lady in this room right now."

"YOU DID NOTCOLE, GET BACK HERE!" Y/N shouts while laughing, running after her boyfriend with her used cloth, ready to beat him up.

When Sensei Wu and the others returned 30 minutes later and the kitchen was yet to be cleaned because Cole and Y/N were too busy running around being goofy, they were both banned from baking for a good 3 months. 

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