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this was requested by xYiiro <3 hope you enjoy <3 feel free to dm me, or comment, a req i rly don't mind where anymore :]

REQ: Heyy :]I don't know if you still accept requests, but maybe could you write a GN!reader × Lloyd? Like Lloyd had been busy lately and it's the readers birthday but he forgets? I leave your imagination the rest of it, but please let it end in Fluff cause one more Lloyd angst oneshot from ANYTHING and i will break LMAOOO


B/D : birthday day (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturdaty, sunday)


"Lloyd?" You called out to yourboyfriend who was training out by the courtyard. He seemed foucsed because he never noticed your presence. He aims the tip of his sword to the neck of the dummy he was currently training with. 

You stood on the side of the courtyard, slowly moving around to face Lloyd from a distance. 

"Lloyd?" You once again called, and this time your eyes caught a glimpse of a energy blast zoom it's way toward you. You reflexed fast and dodged it, the blast hitting the wall leaving a burnt mark. 


Lloyd called out, running up to you as you stood up, rubbing your arm. "Are you crazy?" 

"Sorry," Lloyd awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I-I didn't think anyone would be up this hour." He was right. The time was 7am. Everyone else is probably still asleep, or awake up in their rooms doing whatever. 

"Sure, but you could've done much worse then make a burnt mark on the wall." 

Lloyd aplogized once again, checked for wounds, and went back to the middle of the courtyard to countine training.


"Hm?" He replied, landing a hit on the dummy.

"Well," You began, "I was thinking about something."

He nod, telling you keep talking. You stepped down on the rocky path and made your way toward him as you spoke, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today! Y'know, because it's nice and early and your already awake?" 

Lloyd paused to look at you, "I'm sure, but not for long. I've been sloopy durning training sessions with the others. Trying to get better, but I'm sure we can get an hour in together. 

"Just one hour?"

Will that be enough time

"I mean, yeah, why not. I'm sorry babe,but I really gotta focus today." 

You took a miunte to think, "Lloyd, do you know what today is?" 

Lloyd slammed the dummy to the floor, it bouncing back up in less then 2 seconds and paused to think, "Uhm. B/D?" 

You waited to see if he'll continue, but he didn't.

"Yes, but what's special about this day?"

"Y/N, what are you talking about? It's a normal B/D. Look, I'm pretty busy right now, how about we plan tomorrow? I'll take you to your favorite-"

"Forget it." You waved off the ninja, making you way back inside in the Monestary. Lloyd raised an eyebrow, but shugged off your sudden outburts.


Inside the Monestary, you felt tears begin to build up in your eyes. How could he forget your birthday? Is is Ninja business more importabnt then you?  You walked down the hall, trying to cover our mouth to prevent you from sobbing out loud. 

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