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REQ: I HAVE A REQUEST!! How abt all ninja x female reader; when your elemental power is taken by aspheera (like kai's was taken)

can i be frank with yall, i kinda like this lmaoo. kinda want to make a p2 to this, how y/n will react to losing her power. thx for the request, i really enjoyed writing this!! hope yall enjoy! <33

if you want me to make this a seprate reaction i'll write that as well, just holla <3

E/P: Elemental Power


"No! Don't!"

It was too late. 

With one push of the block, aligning the puzzle in it's proper pattern. It glowed bright color's and the pyramid started to rumble. Dust and pebbles fell from the top of the room. Everyone stood in a line in front of the large chamber, waiting to see what will happen.

Suddenly, the door exploded, causing everyone to duck down as dust filled the room. Laughter soon emerged from the chamber, and you opened your eyes to see a large, blue, female snake slither out with a staff in her hand.

You squinted your eyes, coughing from the debry that fell upon you. You tried to get abetter iew of the snake lady in front of you. 

"Free at last," She said as she looked around. She looked forward to see 8 figures on the ground, "Where is he?" Was the first thing she asked. Looking oward Lloyd. 

"Who?" Lloyd grunts as he tried to stand, "The treacherous deceiver. The one who imprisoned me." She spoke, "Tell me where he is, and I, Aspheera, will show you mercy." The snake demanded. 

"I believe she is looking for the boy mentioned in the hieroglyphics." Zane guessed as everyone sat up from the ground.

"What do I tell her?" Lloyd whispered, looking over to Nya who got in his face with a worried tone, "Tell her the truth! We don't know." 

They all stood, Lloyd starting to speak, "Uh, that was a while ago..."

The blade on the snakes staffed began to glow purple as her rage increased. Raising her weapon, she shot a bright, purple beam to Lloyd, knocking him into the nearest wall. 

Clutch Powers dodged Lloyd's body as it made contact with the stone. The ninja's pulled up their hoods while you got your weapon in hand, all of you ready to fight. 

"Let her have it!" Jay shouted, shooting a spark of electricity toward the Serpentine. 

"Uh," Clutch spoke as he hid near the wall of the exit, "I'll get help!"

"Help from who? The camals??" You shouted at the explorer who ran away. "Y/N, focus!" Nya shouted at you, both of you dodged the blast of purple energy shot at from the snake. 

The Serpentine chuckles as all the Ninja's and your's powers blew right off her, leaving not even a scratch on her. 


Her hand pointed toward you as you were the only one in front of her. Her eyes and yours locked, "You are a E/P elemental?" 

"The one and only! Name's Y/N! Not so nice, to meet  you!" You shot a blast of E/P at the Serpentone when you shouted to meet, watching her once again take the hit without ant damage. 

You watched as her head slowly raised, her hissing loud and clear in your ears. 

"Your E/P, enlightens, me." Aspsheera spoke softly, slowly slithering her way toward you as she continued, "For too long I have been trapped in this cold, dark place."

 You stepped back  from the snake as she got closer, and closer. 

"I will take your E/P!"

"I'd like to see you try, snake!" You tempted, ready your power in your hand. Before you can land a hit, you saw her wave her staff to the side and toward you raising up, however your body followed with her staff. 

You felt your body freeze, you couldn't move. Your feet were lifted from the ground as you felt the power inside you fade away. It hurtI. You let out screams of pain, trying to break free from the Serpentines hold. 

However, the purple hold had you in a tight knot. You weren't able to escape and endeered the pain. 

"Y/N!" Kai cried your name, attempting to get up and stop the snake. 

"What's happening?" Cole cried "She's stealing her elemental power!" Zane shouts, answering Cole's question. "We must stop her!"

They tried.

They really tried. 

When they attempted their spinjitzu on her, she gave them a taste of theirown medicane, somehow still being able to steal your power.

You felt your eyelids get heavy, and your body grew more and more tired by the second. Next thing you knew everything went blank. 

"She knows Spinjitzu." Lloyd mumbled in a worried tone. 

"How?!" Jay cried, twice as confused as Lloyd. 

Suddenly, your body fell straight to the floor, but you didn't move. Not even an 'ow' left your lips. Bad sign.

You were knocked out cold. 

"Y/N!" Lloyd called out your name, everyone running to your body. 

"I..thank you, elemental. In return for your gift, I shall spare your lives." 

Next thing, well, no one knew, was there hands chained up to each other and pinned to the wall high above the ground. However, you were still knocked out in between Zane and Nya. 

"May you enjoy your time in this place, as much as I did. Farewell," Aspheera, who was now the color of your E/P, bid her goodbyes, slithering toward the exit.

"You won't get away with this!" Lloyd yelled over to the snake.

They all watched the Serpentine leave, Lloyd looked back at your unconscious body. Your head was hung down low as your right arm was raised in the air by the chain that pinned you all to the wall. 

"Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me?" He cried, pulling himsef forward to try and see you better. Nya was able to reach over, holding herself forward with her feet, as she pulled down your mask that coverd the body half of your face and look at you with a sadden look. 

"Zane, how is she?" Cole asked, looking ove rto his Nindroid friend who was already steps ahead of him. 

Zane took a moment to scan your body, before responding. 

"Her vitals ar stable. She's alive. She should recover shortly." Zane spoke with a soft smile.

"Good." Lloyd sighed, looking at the chain above him,

 "Now we just have to figure out a way out of here."  

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