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REQ: Hello ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙‼️ can i request a movie! Lloyd x male reader where they are both best friends (who obliviously have a crush on each other but are clueless) and like one day m!reader gets in danger and the green ninja just saves him⁉️ and then like m!reader just like fanboys over the green ninja and rants about him to Lloyd ⁉️

 ty for the request, this was so fun to write! movie!lloyd has my heart, so does the full movie! i really hope you enjoy this, sorry for any spelling mistakes. whats funny is that english is my first language. lmaooo.


"Who ya' texting"

You let out a scream, jumping at the sound of Kai's voice just by your ear. You turned around to see the brunette smirking. You felt eyes all fall onto you as Kai leaned against the locker beside your open one. You place your phone into your pocket as you calmed your breathibg.

"Bastard, you scared the living hell outa' me!" You slapped his arm as you covered your face with your sweater as everyone went back to their own thing.

"Aw, is Y/N a lil'scaredy cat?" Kai teased, pinching your cheek like a little kid. You glared at your friend before grabbing his hair in an attempt to mess it up.

"Ay, ay, ay! Hair is off limits, y'know that, man!" Kai shouts, letting go of your cheek, all eyes on you both once more before they all just ignored you both.

You let go of Kai's hair, seeing a patch of it messed up. You grinned, feeling proud of yourself as Kai glared.

"I was just coming over to say hi, is that a crime?!" Kai cried, trying his best to fix his hair with his hand as you opened your locker door and placed your backpack inside it, taking out your textbooks for todays class.

Suddenly, the doors swung open and Zane and Lloyd entered the school. Everyone around who say them turned away or walked the opposite way to avoid the boy.

"BRO!," Kai smiled as he jumped and shouted for his friend. "Dude, give me a hug, man, give me a birthday huug!" Kai smiled as he trapped Lloyd in a hug, lifting him off the ground his feet barely touching the floor. "Kai," he laughed as he was lifted off the floor, "That's a good one,"

"Birthday hug?" Zane suddenly smiled as he spoke, "Let me get in on that," Zane opened his arms and scooched his way toward Kai and Lloyd. "Zane!-" Lloyd warned as he got closer, "-I'll increase the pressure dramatically," "Zane! ZAnE!"

The blonde squeaked as Zane hugged both him and Kai, now lifting Kai off the ground. Lloyd was stuck between them like a piece of meat in a sandwich.

You laughed at the sight, suddenly feeling a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Cole and Jay standing behind you.

"Oh, hey guys!" You greeted them. Cole replied with a nod before vibing to his music from his boombox that was rested on his shoulder, and Jay smiled and waved at you saying hello.

You looked back to the other three to see them walk toward you, Cole, and Jay. You and Lloyd made eye contact and a smile formed on your lips. You took a single step toward them before suddenly a motorbike engine caused you to jump fright, again.

Nya soon game swirving through the end of the hallway on her motorbike. She had a grin on her face as she skids to a stop, leaving bike tracks on the school floor behind her.

"Hey guys!" She greeted.

"Hey Nya." Everyone replied.

"Hey Nya, where'd you get the new bike, at the...great..stuff store?" Jay chuckled nervously, hiding his blush under his orange scarf as Cole rolled his eyes.

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