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REQUESTER no one (written by me on my tumblr, linked in bio)




· freezes. he's not used to any physical touch, so when he felt your body jump onto his he froze. he literally had no idea what to do- 

· does he hold you back? he leans forward a little bit so it's easier for you to keep sturdy, but he still has no idea what to do. his cheeks went red slightly when your legs wrapped around his torso but brushed it off. 

· he chuckles nervously as he grabs your hands, gently rubbing them due to nervousness. he bit his bottom lip before he heard you giggle, motioning him to spin you!

· he got the message and started to spin like nobody's business. he eventually got comfortable because one he knew it was just you, and two your laughter and actions caused him to let his childish side out. 

· that's what he loves in you. you can help him take his mind off all of his 'green-ninja' duties and just be his childish self. he circles once more before your body dropped to the couch. 

· " what was that? " he laughs, looking down at you while you're in a giggle fit. hands on his hips like a mom, 

· " hmmmmhmh, " you giggle, " ihi was bored? " 

· Lloyd playfully rolls his eyes and leans down, giving your cheek a quick peck.

 ↳ JAY

· screams. you scare the living bolts out of him causing him to screech like a 11' year old school-girl and fall down. 

· your in a fit of laughter as you both reach the wooden flooring. 

· " Y/N!! " he called out, his breathing was heavy but started to slow down. you apologized to him, trying to slow down your laughter as he stayed on top of you.

· you honestly didn't mean to scare him, but seeing his reaction was worth it. suddenly he rolled off of you, taking your hand into his and bringing you up with him, twirling around as you did causing you giggle.

·  " ohokay! ohaahky! how about- we try thahat again? " he laughs, motioning you to jump on his back. with a smile you took a few steps back before running towards him and landed on his back, wrapping your arms around your neck and your legs around his waist, locking your ankles together. 

· he grabbed the thighs to make sure you won't fall and literally started to sprint around the Monastery like children on a sugar rush. 


 · panics. he quickly grabs onto your thighs as he struggles to not topple over. it was like a jumpscare. one second he was talking to Lloyd, the next second he's having you on his back struggling to not face plant.

· " crap!- " he mummers to himself when he barely caught you and gripped his hands to your thigh. meanwhile, you're giggling like a hyena over here. you can't stop while Cole finally managed to sturdy himself.

·  Cole smirks when he hears your giggles and quickly started to spin around, careful to not smash into a wall. now you are in full-on laughter as you grip tighter onto the Earth Elemental. 

· Lloyd rolled his eyes playfully at the couple as he watches Cole spin out of the room with you on his back. " is there an actual reason you jumped on me? " Cole asked, looking over his shoulder. 

· " thihink of this as ... extra training? " you respond. He just rolled his eyes as he playfully throws you to the couch and gently tackled you and place a kiss on your nose. 

· this is now a normal thing with you two. whenever Cole has his guard down boom you're on his back wanting a piggyback ride.


· like Jay he yelps. you jump scared him and he literally almost lit his entire body on fire. you included. thankfully he realized it was you due to your clothing and chuckles.

·  he was literally about to yeet you out the window, you are so lucky. 

· he eventually grabs onto your thighs and hoists you up to get both you and him comfortable. when his fingers purposely dug into your thigh you let out a laugh as you squirmed, causing the Fire Elemental to grin. 

· then...he started to spin. not like, his Spinjitzu spin, but just a normal spin. this caused you to giggle as you threw your head back as a reflex. 

· " ohohaky! okok! " " okay whaht? " he laughed still spinning.

· " puhut me dohown i'm gonna puhuke! " you suddenly felt your body fall and touch the fabric of the couch.


· visible confusion. he literally just stands there with you on his back, smiling like a dork.

· is something wrong? why did you jump on his back?

· you had to wrap your legs around his waist to hold yourself up as your arms locked around his neck gently. 

· " Y/N? is everything okay? " he would ask and all you would say is, " yeeup! just bored. "

· " so you proceeded to jump on my back because you were bored? " the Nindroid asks and you nod against his neck. this caused him to lower his guard and began to literally lecture you about the dangers of scaring somebody like that. 

· a little later he eventually got playful and started to sprint around the room, causing you to shriek with laughter until they were puddles of giggles. 

· you asked if he could Spinjitzu with you on his back and at first he was cautious, but he did one spin and that was enough to drop you to the couch.

· he apologized again and again, making sure you were okay. and of course, you were, you wanted to do it again.

· Zane refused because it can lead to something seriously dangerous.' pft, party pooper. '


· literally throws you back on the bed, couch, carpet etc. she felt her soul leave her body when you jumped onto her and she threw you causing you to let out a small 'ommfpt' but that was soon replaced with laughter.

· " Y/N M/N L/N, why the heck did you do that! " she cries, holding her heart as you stood up.

· " ihih wanted to sehe your reaction. ahand it was wororth it ! " the Water Ninja gave you a 'mom' look before grinning, 

· " you think scaring the living hell outta' your girlfriend is funny? lemme give you something to really laugh about! "

·  " wahait- wait Ny-AHA! "

· after that day when you jump on her back, she literally keeps you there and goes on with her day. 

· making a bowl of cereal, Kai will walk in and see you on her back. watering the garden? Zane comes to help but see's you on Nya's back.

· when she puts you down she literally finds a comfy space and lets go of you, literally dies when she hears your shriek as your body falls from his back.

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