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REQUESTERTempons <3 (i love you so much CJ, keep being amazing !! 🫶)

WARNINGS: a bunch of fluff, nosey brothers ;-;

READERS PRONOUNS: they/them (i need to mention this more)

TYPE: headcanon and oneshot <3


• despite all the times she's tried to help you get a good night's rest, you would always wake up tired. 

• Nya herself is a deep sleeper and she can sleep through a tsunami, so she finds it difficult to help a person who doesn't get sleep. 

• is there something stopping you from sleeping to the point you just can't do it anymore?

• you would normally walk into the Monastery kitchen with droopy eyes, and messed up hair, and your brain would still be asleep she caught you putting milk in the cupboard and the box of cereal in the fridge.

• not really a common mistake unless you've gotten no sleep...which you do. 

• she would comment on your mistake but you would just whine as you pull the cereal back out and Zane took the milk out of the cupboard.

• even though he insisted you get some sleep, you didn't listen and grabbed a fork, placing it in your bowl full of (favorite cereal), and walked out of the room, stumbling over your feet.

•  she'd offer you different sleeping techniques to make it easier for you to sleep, but none of them seemed to work.

• she finds your sleepy state funny because you literally have no idea what you were doing. you once leaned over the couch to grab a tissue but you ended up grabbing Kai's hair and pulling it, causing the Fire Ninja to scream and slap your hand away while you had no idea what just happened.

•  Nya would apologize in laughter for you while you collapsed into her arms on the couch the whilst others chuckled at Kai's reaction, but Jay had the biggest reaction. 

• you asked her one time to splash water all over your face, but that ended up with you falling back from your seat and hitting the floor with a loud thud as your body was soaking wet. Nya hadn't felt worse than she's ever felt.

•The only time she saw you get a good rest was when you were in her arms, cuddled under the comforters, and felt her heartbeat as you laid down on her chest.



The noir hair-colored ninja chuckles when she hears the sound of her partner throughout the hallways. She kicks her feet off her bed and places them on the floor, sitting up as she placed the book ready to down beside her on the table and smiled as you walked, looking more tired than ever.

"Welcome back! Did Cole take training easy on ya?" She asked, watching you had your head on her door, leaning down with it as it opened but stumbled back up and closed the door with little ability.

"Mhhhhm, it was torture!! I swear, I never want to see rocks ever again in my life!" You whined, rubbing your eyes with your fists as you collapsed to the bed beside Nya's hips, causing her to stoke your sore back with her nails as she giggled, "Cole was probably just trying to get you more active, ya sleepy head."

You felt the girl's hand rub against the top of your head as you grabbed her hand, making her stop but she kept the hand to your head.

"He just made me more tiiiired!" You cried, rubbing the girl's hand as she uses her other to scratch your back gently. "Wanna cuddle?" She whispered into your ear, a small smile forming on your lips as the words escaped Nya's mouth.

Before you could respond, she could see it from your reaction, Nya wrapped her arms around your torso and pulled you into her lip, combing her fingers through your hair as you shriek with laughter from the sudden action.

"Ihi take that smile as a 'yes'?"

She poked your cheek causing you to blush and hid your face in her chest, and she laughed at your reaction. "Your soho dorky!"

Even if she was teasing you, you loved these moments with your girlfriend. You felt loved. Appreciated. Respected. But most of all embarrassed-

"Shuht up!" You murmured against her shirt.

"Make me," She poked your nose as you looked up at her with a shocked face, "You lil-" before you could respond you felt her lips smash onto your eyes in a very gentle way, and your eyes closed almost instantly.

She pulled away after a few seconds and rubbed her thumb against your cheek as you were seated in her lap like a baby, causing you to giggle slightly as you placed your head on her chest.

The sound of your girlfriend's heartbeat gave the aura around you a calm atmosphere. You let a heavy sigh as you closed your eyes, and moments of silence passed until you fell into a deep slumber.

Nya smiled when she noticed your sleeping figure, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as she gently traced shapes with her nail on your back.

Suddenly she spots the hair of a certain hot head, who also happens to be her brother, peek out through the door and she pouts, mouthing the words get out as she throws a ball of water at him.

He dodges it but returns only to whisper, "You better be just cuddling!"

"NASTY AS-" Nya whispered shouts now throwing a nearby pillow towards the boy, who took that as his final warning leaving the two of you be.

She sighs gently as she smiles down at you, glad you were finally able to get the beauty sleep you most desperately needed. 

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