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requester on tumblr/anon: could we get ninjago cuddle hcs? <3

A/N 2: Well, just because the gifs show different genders, doesn't mean it's your gender! (this goes for Nya as well) Just picture them as them and you and move on with your day!  (Also Zane's gif wouldn't load, so I took a screenshot ;-;

 Warnings: Fluffy Content ahead!


His hands are on you all

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His hands are on you all.the.damn.time.

Whether he's holding your hand or linked arms with you. his hand is on your hip, heck even on your butt sometimes. He's always got his hands on you to show people he's yours in some way. When it comes to cuddling, he's the best person to go to when you are cold. He'll rub his hands together and stuff them up the back of your shirt. 

He likes to have you in his lap, holding you close to him. He would give your head a quick kiss before wrapping his arms around your shoulders, or stick his hands up your shirt and rub circles on your back. He's so gentle with cuddles, it's a lot like you're cuddling a pillow. 



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While cuddling, he'll have his palm over the back of your head while you cuddle on top of him, snuggling into his chest. He and you chat about your days and how much you missed each other. He'll whisper sweet nothings into your ear, causing you to shut your eyes before falling into a deep slumber. 

He notices the way your chest heaves up and down slowly, so he kisses your forehead before allowing you to sleep. Waking you up when needed. 


He loves your cuddles

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He loves your cuddles.

He'll die for them, I'm dead serious. 

He would jump on you and beg for cuddles when he's got some time off. He makes up an excuse that he's the Ninja of Ninjago City and he needs his daily dose of cuddles.

 ^^The gif above is how you normally cuddle each other. He likes to kiss your nose when he can. 

Zaps you gently to see your reaction. Resulting, you poke his side causing him to giggle, then it's a tickle fight. Last for a couple of seconds before you give him a long, tooth-rooting kiss on the lips


Never really understood the concept of 'cuddling'

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Never really understood the concept of 'cuddling'

Not until you show him. You sat on the bed and motioned grabby hands at him. With a smile, he walked towards you and you quickly tackled him forward, causing him to fall on top of you while you rolled over him. Hi back on the bed and you on his lap.

 He was taken aback for a moment until you gave his cheek a quick kiss, telling him to just relax and hold you close. He actually just prefers to hug you for a long period of time before letting you go, the same goes with hand-holding. He'll kiss your shoulder walk past you, giving you a sweet smile when you look over. 


All you gotta do is roll, walk, and run over to him and he'll wrap his arms around you ASAP

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All you gotta do is roll, walk, and run over to him and he'll wrap his arms around you ASAP. Sometimes you don't even have to ask, it's like he already knows. 

The same goes for him. The first time he cuddled you was when you two started dating, back when he became the Golden Master. Kai was jealous Lloyd got a partner before him, which Jay teased about, but he was happy for the both of you.

Lloyd is so gentle omg, cuddle him with care. He likes to kiss your temple when you are rambling about your day, leaving you in a blushing mess. 

He treasures these moments for sure because he's scared he'll never get the chance again. 


Loves it when you go to her for cuddles

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Loves it when you go to her for cuddles. She'll have you in her lap while your legs are on either side of her hips, wrapping your arms around her neck while she wraps her hands around yours, interlocking her fingers.

On the floor, on the bed, on the couch, on a fucking swing, she'll have you on top of her in this exact postion^^Sometimes she sneaks a kiss on your neck, causing you to laugh or squirm, melting her heart in less than 3 seconds.

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