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REQ: Hiya idk if your request are still open but can I please request the ninja X male reader headcanons for the ninja being little spoons during cuddles

ty for this request, this was so cute! loved the idea. sorry they seem rushed and short, i'm not amazing with detail lmaoo. lloyd's is my favorite by far lol. 



"Y/NNNNN~" Kai voice caught your attention. Poking your head up from your phone screen as you sat comfortably on your bed sheets, Kai entered your room.

He was bruised and his hair was a mess. Now you know he's out of it because he would never leave his hair a mess like that and walk around like he owned the place.

"Kai?" You smiled to your boyfriend as he followed the door slam shit. He leaned his forehead against the door and stood there for about 10 seconds. You smiled as you watched it all.

Suddenly he leaned back and made his way toward you, ever so slowly.

"Baby?" You called. He made a hum noise as he landed basically on top of you, causing you to let out a laugh as he got comfortable on you.

"You're warm~" He mummered into your chest, gripping your shirt and basically suffocating himself into your chest. You threw your head back and laughed.

"Long day?" You asked after seconds of silence. You could feel his head nod into your chest.

You wrapped your leg around his, trapping you both in a tangled cuddle. You kissed the top of his head gently as he relaxed in yout touch, soon falling asleep.


You didn't even get a warning, not even a tap on the shoulder. You were tackled to the bed in Jay's room while you were trying just grab one of comic's to give back to Lloyd, but nope, here you were pinned to Jay's bed with him hugging you like his life depended on it.

You screamed at the sudden tackle, but once you reached the bed you noticed Jay had his face buried into your neck.

Now you knew your boyfriend loved his daily dose o cuddles, I mean how could you not, he's on you everyday. However, he made this feel different somehow.

It looked like he just died on top of you, "Jay?" you questioned yur boyfriend who mummble something into your neck, tickling you a little.

You giggled at his response and bend your neck to the side to see if he'll move, but he only followed in suite.

"Jaahay!" You chuckled, his face tickling you still. You felt his lips give your neck a few kisses before he leaned up and looked down at you.

"Sorry, You just remind me so much like my pillow. I couldn't help myself but just make myself comfortable, cutie."

You rolled your eyes, "Sorry, but I'm not your kissing pillow."

"Shut up." He mumbled into your neck again, wrapping his legs around your wasit, clinging onto you like a koala.

"Cuddle Bug." You chuckled, closing your eyes noticing Jay fell asleep on you, again.


"Okay, Papa Bear, get off me, I gotta use the bathroom." This only reponsed with Cole squeezing you harder as he had you in a cuddle trap.

You playfully smack his back to see if that will get him to move, but, "Thahat feels good," You scoffed and laid back down in defeat. Cole had you in a position on the bed making him cuddle all up in your arms so you couldn't move unless he moved.

"Dude, I'm gonna pee my fucking pahants!" You laughed as you tried to push your boyfriend off, but to no avail.

"Not my problem."

"Well, Ill make it your problem by pissing all over the bed," Cole gave you a 'fuck you' look as he whined into your chest soon after and rolled off of you and back onto the matress.

You thanked the First Spintijzu Master as you got off the bed, "When you get back I excpet twice as more cuddles then I gave you."

"You'll just have to come and get me, Cuddle Bug." And you left to use the bathroom, not expecting a chase as soon as you came out.


"Did you activate a switch causing you do this, hun?" You asked your Nindroid boyfriend who was cuddle against you comfortably. You had your arms wrapped around his neck as his legs were tangled with yours, both of your foreheads touching.

"I just really, really, missed you." Was his only reply as you chuckled.

"So, how was your day?" You asked, thinking to strike uo a conversation in order to keep it not so quiet.

"Horrible until I fell into your arms."

"Who the fuck taught you that? Was it Kai, I bet 10$ it ws Kai-"

"Y/N" Zane cuts you off by grabbing your cheek, "Just enjoy the moment. You and I both need this right now."

You felt your cheeks turn red as he rubbed your chest, causing you to somewhat relax.

You smiled softly, kissing the top of his head. "Sure thing, hun."


"You smell good," Lloyd said after a moment of silence. He was in your arms, refusing to ever let go, well, not at least for a good while. "Really? Like what?" You replied, stroking your boyfriend's hair. He thought for a moment,


"Butter?" You laughed at the random answer Lloyd had gave you. He nods into your chest. "Why butter? What, do I smell like cheese?"

"I just loove butter." Lloyd spoke quiety, tighting his grip around you like he was hanging off the edge of a cliff.

You laughed at Lloyds state, "Man, you sound drunk." You cupped his cheeks to look at you. His eyes were droppy like he was just falling asleep. You sniffed him and smiled, "You smell like butter," and stuck your tounge out at him.

Lloyd smiled, "I guess we both smell like cheese," and his head was back into your chest.

You laughed for a short while before hearing small snores escape Lloyd.

You went back to stroking your hair before falling asleep yourself. 

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