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SUMMARY: During the cold winter weather, Y/N claims they aren't cold, but Kai notices the way they have their hands in their sleeves more than anyone else.

SHIP: Kai x GN!Y/N!

TYPE: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLU, Imagine, Oneshot, Romantic, Past season 8 Kai

Y/N'S POWER, FROST: Y/N has the power of frost. They can create small snowstorms with their fingertips and also make small ice bits. Something like Zane's power, but they are in no way related. 

A/N: Merry late Christmas to you all, hope it was one memorable!  Also, I have no idea what Cole's last name is. People are saying Bucket, Hence, and Brookstone so I'll just stick to the one I've heard first from a couple of friends and say 'Brookestone'. If you don't think it's his last name, then just go with one of those three when you read. 



"COLE! Hold the ladder straight! You're going to make me fall on top of the tree and ruin everyone's Christmas!" Jay Walker complained to his friend dressed in black, Cole Brookstone. "I am holding it straight! Maybe if you stop moving around so much, you would be done by now!" 

Cole snapped back playfully causing Jay to scoff, "I'm trying to put the tinsel on- ZANE! I don't trust Cole anymore, I swear he's trying to kill me! Can you hold the ladder!" Jay cried out for his Nindroid friend, who emerged from the kitchen with a bowl of cookie dough as he used a wooden spoon to stir. "Apologizes, Jay. At the moment I, what do you all say, 'have my hands full'"  Zane Julien spoke as he watched his two friends stand by the large tree placed in the living room of the Monastery before heading back to the kitchen where he was met with the love of his life, PIXAL. 

"Looks like you're stuck with me, Sparky." Cole grinned as he fixed the reindeer ears that were set on his head, holding the ladder with one of his hands. "I'm the best person to hold up the ladder, I'm the strongest one here. You should be safe with me!"

Jay puffed his cheeks out as he slowly roped the tinsel around the green pines of the tree, not knowing the Black Ninja had a hidden grin decorating his face. He quickly shook the ladder causing Jay to let out a girlish squeal as he glared at Cole with a flustered look as he cackled. 

Lloyd Garmadon and Nya Smith were sitting by the other side of the tree wrapping the last of their presents before giving them to the team. "Aaaand, done!" Nya chirped as she finished wrapping the bow on her last present before tossing it gently to her pile and looking back up, "Lloyd, you almost—" 

The Water Ninja stops talking when she sees the Green Ninja struggle to wrap the baby blue ribbon into a small knot. He grunts as he soon notices Nya's stare and he blushed in embarrassment. 

"I'm almost done, just gotta—" 

Nya chuckles to herself as she watches Lloyd struggle, giving him his time but it's already been 5 minutes and he is still struggling. "Here. How about I—" Nya started as she extended her arms out to take the box, but Lloyd pulls it back and shouts, "NO!" 

She paused and blinked.

"It—It's your present..." He spoke quietly, placing the present back on his lap as he fiddled with the ribbon. "Why are you wrapping my present in front of me?" Nya asked with an amused smile, "Because I thought I'd be done before you would notice!" He grumbles. 

Nya insisted she wrap it, and after some time Lloyd gave in and handed her the present, to which she wrapped the bow in a beautiful knot in less than 10 seconds. "I've always hated ribbons..." He grumbles under his breath as he grabbed another present and this time taped some green tape to hold the ribbon in place. 

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