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RESQUESTER: @/ anon on tumblr ! (link in bio)

CHARACTERS INCLUDE: Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane and Nya !

WARNINGS: unedited writing, mention of vomiting/puke, maybe one curse word (i don't remember LMAO), other than that FLUFF !!

AUTHORS NOTE: Nya and Lloyd's may be shorter but that's because the requester wanted only Kai, Zane, Jay, and Cole (poly ninja), and since I add almost all the Ninjas in this book I had to quickly write smth for Nya and Lloyd, SORRY!!



 · All it took was one sneeze from you and Lloyd had his eyes on you. He noticed how much you wouldn't eat properly, you would stare at your food and try not to gag.

 · One afternoon Zane cooked some Sushi for everyone and before you took take a bite you ran to the washroom and puked in the toilet. Lloyd followed and stayed by the bathroom door, cringing at the sound of your vomiting. 

 · When you were done, (he and you hoped) he cleaned your mouth and gave you some mouthwash, asking how long you'd been feeling ill. Because he was already here, he took your temperature, and just as he figured...you were sick. 

 · He let you brush your teeth and grabbed some new clothes for you, thanks to the help of Nya, and gave you privacy to change. You exited the washroom and the first thing you did was enter your room and face plant. 

 · "Knock, knock." 

 · Lloyd's voice caused you to groan under your pillow as he entered with a water bottle, heating pad, medicine, and a carton of soup placing them on your bedside. He sat beside you and chuckled slightly rubbing your head in some sort of comfort. 

 · "Zane felt bad. He thought you didn't like his Sushi but when he found out you were just sick he made you some soup. I helped but Zane did most of the work. I was just..emotional support, so to speak." The blonde explains, playing with the ends of your hair (short or long·) you muffled something under the sheets, but Lloyd didn't really understand what you said and just smiled. 

 · When you were up and sitting straight, after like 30 minutes, Lloyd insisted on helping you eat your food and brought a garbage can just in case. Him being his childish self, he used the 'here-comes-the-airplane' technique.

 · You didn't mind him being there with you, you just didn't want you to get sick. Master Wu would instruct the boy to leave you be for a couple of hours, and during those hours all Lloyd wanted to do was see you.

 · He cares so much omg- 💗


· "Y/N? Are-are you ok--" Nya began as she knocks on the bathroom door but she soon hears the sound of vomit return, "ah, okay. You're not done..." 

· It's been a couple of hours since you've been sick and Nya felt so bad for you. She hates being sick, it makes her feel weak and helpless, which is why she wants to do everything in her power to help you!

· Once you were done, she gave you new clothes from your drawers, ran you a quick shower/bath (whatever you're comfortable with), and waited for you in the living room where Kai suddenly entered,.

· "Hey sis," He began, jumping over the couch and sitting beside his sister who jumped at his sudden actions, "Oh, hey Kai." 

· "Hey, what's wrong? What's with the pout?" He asked, nudging her arm causing her to sigh before she spoke, 'I'm just--worried about Y/N. They've been throwing up in the bathroom for the past hour!"

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