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REQUESTER: @/ anon (link in bio!)

READERS' PRONOUNS: not mentioned (gender neutral)

TYPE: fluff/angst, imagine, oneshot format

RELATIONSHIP: couple/dating <3

AUTHORS NOTE: takes place after S10 (march of the oni)


You felt your eyes open. Your body lay flat on the silky black sheets of Cole Brookstone's bed in the Monastery. The room was dark but the only light shining was from the moonlight outside that just barely covered the carpets of the room.

Your boyfriend's snores were surprisingly soft, soft than they normally are. It wasn't a strange sight, Cole snores almost every night but when he snores softly like today that's how you know he's asleep and it'll take multiple truck horns to wake him up.

Your eyes stayed locked with the ceilings for a couple of moments before they turned your head to the side to Cole's back. His body slowly rose up and down, back and forth.

It took everything in your power to not trace your fingers up and down his back.

Not wanting to risk waking him up.

Slowly and carefully, you pulled your legs over from the bed and onto the floor. The small creak caused you to cringe but you stood up quickly before running out of the room.

The floors were freezing but eh, you did what you had to do to get out of the bedroom quick without making a sound.

You didn't really sleep.

Ever since the Oni attack, you've been afraid for her friend's safety. Every day they risk their lives. Running into danger they have almost little knowledge about. Sure, there are Ninjas, but there are still people who can get hurt...well...maybe there are not all people...but they could still get hurt in different ways.

The Sons of Garmadon was already bad enough, now that the Oni attack happened who knows what's going to happen next?

You already lost Cole once...you are not losing him again.

A small flashback faded into your mind.

The sound of Cole calling your name as you slipped off the ladder rope and him grabbing your hand. He threw them back aboard where Zane aided them up, but Cole's rope snapped and....

You rubbed your eyes as you tried to think of the now and not the past.

You can't change the past, but you can change the future.

You turned into the kitchen where the small stove light was the only source of light you had, but that was enough. Opening the high cupboard, you took out a small glass and turned on the sink faucet.

When the water was cold you began to fill up the glass. It was quiet and calm, causing you to let out a yawn.

Turning off the faucet you turned back around but you instantly bumped into someone, causing you to shriek a hand covered your mouth as they grabbed the cup before they could drop it.


You knew that voice...dammit

"Cole?" You responded, noticing the fluffy black hair on your forehead gave it all away. Cole placed the cup of water on the table right beside the both of you and brought you into a hug, his hands rubbing your back as you dug your face into his shoulder

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