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i'mmmmm backkkk????




Can I please request m!reader X the ninja where the reader runs up to the ninja to hug them and then starts spinning them around in a hug

Have a nice day 💖

im tired :D



you normally run up to him like that when a mission was claimed successful. other times you do it just to see his reaction, and it always makes you laugh. sometimes you just hug him, but other times you just start spinning. although he's a ninja and has trained to be imune to sneak attacks, you always make him scream when you randomly jump at him and spin him around.

your a giggling mess when he spins faster, but not fast enough to do spinjitzu.

he's noticed you do this whenever your really happy, so he knows when your unhappy because you won't hug him and spin him around like your always did.

"is that really as fast as you can go?" kai grinned as you spun both of you around. that statement ended with you both falling on the ground after 50x spins in a row.


loves it when you hug him and spin him around. it's got him smiling ear to ear and giggling left and right. your arms are normally wrapped around his neck whiles his are wrapped around your waist as you both spin. sometimes your legs are wrapped around his torso, but thats only when you know jay will just randomly let go of you for fun..one time leading you tumbling to the floor and banged your head on the table. big trust issues were lost that day.

"want to go faster?" jay grinned as he locked eyes with you. a wicked smiled formed on your face as jay spun, a blue tornado surrounded your vision. yours and his laugher were heard from the tornado as nya and cole walked by.

this is a normal thing you both do now.


when you first did this, cole was scared. he didn't know you were going to randomly start spinning and accdiently did spinjitzu. you cried his name out as you held onto him for dear life. he noticed you started doing this more when you were happy or a mission was successful.

all he's nervous about is that your going to be to extreme and cause you both to fall over, him landing ontopnof you because your the one spinning him.

other then that he's all for this now. he'll even join in one the spinning whne he's in the mood and lift you into the air.


he just lets you spin him around. assuming your running at him for a hug, he opens his arms with a smile, but he's caught off guard when you jump at him and spin on your heels.

he yelps as he grabs onto you as you both spin full cricle multiple times. your laughter fills the room, zane's following soon after.

he questions you about your sudden out burst, and you reply with your tounge poking out.

he finds this cute and nevr gets upset when you randomly do it now and again.


he thought this would be a normal hug. so when you suddenly lift him off the ground and start spinning he let out a scream while gripping your shoulders for support.

he laughs out your name as you continue to spin. once you placed him down you give a playful kiss on the lips and waved him off.

he was left in a dizzy, goofy smile mess.

he tried to do the same thing to you to get you dizzy, have a taste of your own medicene. however, to his surprise you laughed and allowed himto keep spinning you. 

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