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req: Hiya I saw that you said you really don't ship plasma but it is one of my favourite ships either platonicaly or romanticallh either way

But can I request plasma X male reader can be platonic or romantic I don't mind

( by platonic you know when your absolutely best friends with someone that's what I mean)

warnings: plasmashipping (if you don't like the ship, dont read!)

headcanons (both romantic and platonic)

romantic headcanons:

• each of them want to show their affection to you. even it means fighting for you.

• they won't go extreme to where there's blood on the floor, but there def was some bruised noses and eyes when they fought for your affection.

• they came to the conclusion they'll share you, with your knowledge of course.

• you had to admit, both of them were great boyfriends, but they did have some flaws.

• kai's a non-stop flirter. he's got his hands on you all the time, much to jay's distress.

• meanwhile jay was a cuddle bug. he loved your affection, he was so touch-starved omggg. he sometimes beg you to be with him and not leave him

• one thing they have in common is that their super overprotective of you. they want their baby to be safe and sound at all times. meaning they had to leave you clueless durning all their long missions.

• ex. the prime empire season, the never real trip, etc.

• however, you've gotten over it pretty quickly because you've been teaching yourself defense strategies to defend yourself.

• durning the night, your smack in the middle between jay and kai, each of them having an arm around you. you were sweating like a pig due to their body heat and kai's power, but you've grown to it.

• jay usually ends up waking up ontop of you. he's cuddled up to you he's pratically your new blankey.

• meanwhile kai was on your side, the covers halfway off his body.

• in mornings, kai combs both your and jay's hair, taking extra care with his own when done with you and jay.

• if you have long enough hair, jay will offer to tie it in cute pigtails. (small or long)

• jay is like the master at video games, kai coming to a close second. both you and jay sometimes team up to beat kai, and he hates you for it.

• they both kiss you on the cheeks at the same time, it's the cutest thing you will ever see them do together.

• they team up to tickle you.

• when kai isn't around, jay and you sneak into his hair gel basket and good around with them, pretending to be him and all that.

• when jays not around, you and kai make out. PFFT-

platonic headcanons:

• triple double trio.

• something's always up with you three.

• jay once got lost at a super market, and you and kai took 2 hours looking for him. he was glued to you guys for the rest of the week, he was so scared.

jay wakes you up by calling your name out slowly before jumping on you like a dog and screaming 'BOO'.

kai would wake you up without a care in the world. he would kick you out of bed, rip the covers off your body, drag you out and onto the floor, he doesn not care.

you three could find anything funny, it makes master wu very concerned.

when you three are ordered to go on missions, just the three of you, one of you come back with a broken bone laughing your asses off.

the others just shook their heads in dissapointment and treated the wound.

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