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Hi! I had a small but adorable idea and I thought you would be the best person to bring it to life if you don't mind! So, Cole the unsaid best character who is amazing with children(we have seen season 8 & 9). How would everyone react to him bringing back an abandoned baby reader he found at the bottom of the Monastery, poor baby wrapped up in torn blankets, but what confused everyone is that, baby has a tail. Doesn't matter to Cole, he's raising it, and he'll raise them right. Thank you

After finding an abandoned baby outside the Monastery, alone and hurt, Cole does what any parent would do and treat this baby. The only thing that makes him confused is, this baby may not human.

reader's pronouns are they/them

warnings are fluff, not a romantic x reader, and yeah, i'm bad with warnings lmao

You were just so small. You looked like just a pile of blankets in his arms. Your body was dusty and a bit bruised; like you'd been attacked by a baby animal. A baby lizard perhaps?

He watched the way you squirmed in his arms. Like you were scared but felt safe in his arms. He couldn't blame you, he was really warm and his arms around you felt like walls made entirely out of bricks.

He moved a strand of your hair away from your face to see your calm figure. You were able to grab a stronghold of his index finger as he looked at you.

Who on Earth would leave a child alone like this under any circumstances? How sick are you?

Cole shook those negative thoughts out of his mind, for now, and focused on what was important.

"Hey..." Cole spoke gently, bouncing your small figure up and down gently. As he spoke, your small eyes suddenly opened, a sob escaping your lips as doing so.

"No..." He started to shush you quietly, "Nonono, shush. Hey, I got you, everything's okay!" If he's being completely honest, he has no idea what he's doing.

He was just doing what he thought was appropriate. He's never had to hush a baby before, of course, there was the time his own Master was turned into an infant, but that was a little bit different. This was a baby he never met before. He has no idea how to calm it down.

Cole was a little too distracted by his thoughts getting the better of them, that he just noticed the small tail that peeked through the ripped blankets that covered your small body.

It was the color of the night sky. A black with a mix of purple. the end was fluffy and soft. Of course, it wasn't a long tail, seeing how it's only a child, but still; it's weird to see.

Could you not be human? Oni perhaps? No, Oni's don't have tails. You could also be a shape-shifter? Or maybe a formling? But; what are you doing all the way out here? Alone?

Cole decided because of this new discovery, the Black Ninja brought you back up to the Monastery where Master Wu may be able to help.

Here come all the questions.

Cole thought to himself, taking one last step from the stairs leading to the building, opening the two large doors, and revealing the courtyard.

There he saw both Zane and Jay training together. Throwing their weapons at each other to see who will tap out first. 'Greetings, Cole." Zane was the first to greet himself while Jay looked over at him.

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