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req on tumblr: Hi! I love your writing and I think it's amazing. I have a small request if you don't mind. How would Cole, Kai, and Lloyd react to meeting an Oni reader? But instead of the violent, destructive being they met once. They see, basically the embodiment of a curious puppy. And the single thought that goes through their head is 'how can something that is supposed to be evil, and extremely destructive, be so adorable?!' sorry if it's long or too boring, thank you for your time, have a good day

three out of the six ninja overcome an Oni. Letting their judgment cloud their vision they prepare themselves for battle,,,but this Oni isn't at all what they had in mind.

aslo, i'm making Oni!reader have hair :} becuz its cute !

reader's pronouns are they/them

warnings are minor cursing, fluff, takes place after season 8,9, or 10


Cole doesn't know what to do when he comes across an Oni, so when he saw you,,,he was a little bit uneasy.

He was currently on his way back to the Monastery from the Gym, Sure he's got the training deck on the bounty and the Dojo,, but sometimes he just wants actual Gym exercises.

Anyway, on his walk back,,,he walked past an empty ally way– or he thought it was empty. Loud clangs and stuff being thrown to walls the concrete could be heard.

Others seemed to ignore, while others seemed to be intrigued. Others like Cole.

He tossed his towel over his shoulder, slowly walking into the ally. By a garbage bin, he could the silhouette of a person...it was small and in the light, it looked like it had black skin ( guys..please..you know what i mean )

This caused Cole to lower his guard and kept his hand ready by his back just in case he needs to fight.

The figure continued to rummage through the dumpster while Cole cleared his throat. This caused the figure to snap its head up and look in Cole's direction.

"Hey,,are you–"

All of sudden, he was tackled by the figure who had him pinned to the ground. He let out a grunt as he made contact with the floor.

He was able to make out who the figure was. It was Oni? He hasn't seen one since the March of the Oni! How is this real? This can't be real!

The figure had dark, black skin like the night sky and its eyes were a bright purple. They had all the Oni markings and horns, but the only difference was that they had long/short black locks on their head,,,not like any other Oni you see.

Cole was about to push the creature off and attack them, but he stopped when he saw the Oni,,,sniff him? It wasn't like a weird sniff it was,,,a curious sniff. It's like this Oni has never seen another before.

Cole was frozen. he didn't know how to react. It wasn't hurting him,,,so why would he hurt it back? But it's an Oni,,, aren't all full-blooded Oni born to destroy?

Cole smiled softly o himself when the creature slipped off him and sat crisscrossed on the floor, smiling at the boy.

This left cole in udder confusion, but he waved softly to the creature who waved back.

"You have a name?" He asked and the creature nodded, "YN." They spoke in a husk yet sweet tone. The someone just woke up but still sounded like an angel.

"Cole." The Black Ninja smiled as he watched "Y/N" continue to look around the dumpster. "Are you looking for something?" Cole asked, causing the Oni to look back at him and shrugged.

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