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i'm so sorry if this isn't what you thought you received, but i hope...this pleases you, anon </3

don't be embarrassed, you've never done this before, everyone makes mistakes ( like me with this piece of writing ahem )

reader's pronouns are they/them

warnings are literally just fluff

Nya has your girlfriend in a carousel of emotions. A rollercoaster almost. Like her brother, she'll do anything for you. She will take a bullet for you. Take a hit for you. Die for you. Anything. SOmetimes you're scared shell die because you got yourself in danger. Kai was at frist questionting your and her relentionship. It's not like he didn't like you both, it's just Nya's his brother, older brother, you knew dating Nya would mean having to deal with a Kai who almost watches your every move. But over time, he grew comfortable with the both of you. But if you break her heart you better get your sketchers on, he is coming after you- She loves cuddles, she basically invented them at this point. She likes to be spooned, but she also likes to spoon you. The warmth from your body calms her. The both you have beach dates and she jokinly throw you under the waves with her elemental power. The other's were so happy for the both of you, and helped Kai see that you're not a bad person and will be with Nya forever. Maya and Ray love you, they treat you like royalty whenever they see you with their daugher. At first, like Kai, Ray ( like father like son ahem ) he didn't seem to like the idea of Nya dating just yet, but you soon visited them everyday and Ray grew attached to you, just like how Maya did the first time she saw you.

dating Kai has got the be an experience. He's head over heels for you and he'll do anything for you! Expect many many kisses from him. He'll kiss you like there is no tomorrow and grins at your blushed face. He loves waking up next to you, it just melts his heart to see your sleepy figure. Nya was so happy you found yourself a lover, loves you, even more, knowing you're dating his brother. Lloyd was not the kind for 'dating' so had no reaction other than 'eh dating..' and went on with his day. The others thou congratulated both you and Kai, happy for you both. Kai lives for cuddles. Want some all you have to do is ask and he's there in less than two seconds. He also loves to tease 24/7. You can't go 1 hour without a cheesy pick-up line. Kai's great with impressing others, but when it comes to actual dating he's a nervous train wreck. That's literally just what happens, he acts like he's going to be the best boyfriend but is so nervous you'll leave him for another. Which is why he's so clingy and teasy with you. He wants you to give him a chance. Either way, you're sticking with him no matter what, you're his problem now. ( not in a bad/mean way

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