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RELATIONSHIP: couple/ dating <3


A/N: this came to my mind when i was trying to whistle while watching Max and Ruby...MY BROTHER WAS WATCHING IT >:< (i can't whistle ;-;) 


"Kaaaaaiiiii!! Pleeeease! You're the only one I can go to for heeeelp!"

"No, I'm not! You can go to Cole!"

"Is Cole my loving boyfriend who said he'll be willing to do anything to please me?"

The Fire Ninja lets out a dramatic sigh as he flops backward on his bed, you crawling on top of him and resting your head on his chest while you sat on his hips.

"Why do you want to learn this so badly? It's adorable~" He teases , looking over to the side and booping your nose at the same time. You rolled your eyes trying to hide the blush on your face in his chest while you smacked his hand away.

"You all know how to whistle it's embarrassing that I don't know how to!" You complained, referring to Kai and the others. "Oh, It's not that embarrassing," Kai began until he started to think,

"Okay, maybe it's a little embarrassing-"

You grab a nearby pillow that was on Kai's bed and smacked him in the face with it as he laughs. "Okhay! I'm johohkiing!" He managed to grab the red pillow and toss it behind his head as he interlocked his fingers together, wrapping his arms around the back of his head while you put your chin on his stomach.

"Can you teach me?"

"How do you even know I can whistle?" Kai asked with a smug grin on his face that made your stomach twist.

"Because I've heard you whistle before."

"Rrrrrreeeeeally?" He rolled his 'r' and 'e' in his sentence leaning his head to the side.

"Yyyyyyyyeees." You mimicked, poking his tummy. His arms were pulled over his head to his t-shirt was pushed up, perfect for you to poke at his bare stomach freely.

He squealed as he pulled his arms back down and grabbed your wrists, giving you a look. "Dohon't do that. You know what happens when you do that, L/N." He warned, giggling as you used your index finger to poke now his side, which was covered by his thin tee.

"HEeeehy. Hey. I will bite you- IwillbiteyouOHU!!"

You poked his tummy once more, getting more of a reaction out of him and you started to laugh when he tried to bite your forearm. It made it funnier because he was laughing at the same time, leaning into you trying to bite your arm or hands.

"Teeeeeeach meeeeee!"

"OKAAAHY LEEHT GO!" He cried, trying to calm his laughter down as he grabbed your wrist with more strength and pulled them to the side as he sat up.

You looked at him with a smug smirk as his chest heaves and his head is hung low, 'I whhihill get you baahack, you cheeky bum!" He chuckles and you lean close to his face as he lifts it back up, a small blush forming on his cheeks.

"Teach me how to whistle first, and then we'll see."

It was quiet for a moment until Kai rolled his eyes and sighs, grabbing your hips and lifting himself off the bed and back onto hit, his back now resting on the bed rest.

He placed you back on his lap as he held your hands.

"Whistling his simple if you don't think too hard about it," Kai began and you cocked your head to the side.

"First, wet your lips," Kai smirked when he spoke, sucking his lips while you blushed, copying his moves.

"You suck-" you started, but Kai hushed you.

"Do you want my help or not?"

You sighed and nod.

"Now pucker your lips."

Without question, you puckered your lips like a duck. "Now what-?" Before you could finish you felt a pair of lips make contact with yours and your eyes widened when your brain processed Kai was the one kissing your lips.

His eyes were closed but his lips were decorating a smug smirk when he felt you kiss back. His hands sneaked their way under your shirt and gently rubbed your back.

The both of you soon pulled back for air, Kai's laughter on filling the silent room. "I asked you to help me learn how to whistle, not start a make-out session with me!" You lectured, smacking your boyfriend's arm as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Oh c'mon. If you didn't like it why'd you kiss back, eh?"

He's doing it again, he's putting this all on you!?

"Well if I didn't that would be kinda rude don't you think, eh?"


"Touche." The hothead grinned, rubbing his hands up and down your arm. "Okay, seriously. Pucker your lips and with your mouth slightly open, "he started and you followed his words, creating an '0' shape with your mouth, "An 'o' shape honey, not an oval." He laughed as you pout and created the small 'o' with your lips, waiting for the next instructions.

"You place your tongue by the roof of your mouth like this," He showed, and you followed but you didn't get it the first time until the next 3.

"Then you blow. You should hear a high-pitched sound, like this."

Kai demonstrated and started to whistle a sweet tune. You listened for a moment before trying for yourself. You didn't last long with the tongue behind your two front teeth when you suddenly blew a raspberry right into Kai's face.

He stayed frozen for a moment while you covered your mouth with your hands, "Kai. Omg, I'm so shohory!" You laughed, grabbing his shoulder as he felt your spit trail down his face.

"Ohoho you're done. you're done." He lets out a battle cry as he tackles you down to the sheets of the bed and started to attack your ribs with tickles.

"Kai. KAI, waha-AHAHA!" You burst out into uncontrollable laughter as he attacked with no mercy.

You didn't learn how to whistle that day. 

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