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REQ : HI!!

I would like to request a Jay x male! reader where the reader is a singer and likes to write little love songs about Jay but he would never know the songs are about him,,

then one day the reader releases a new album and it's called "Your Blue Eyes." and then the reader just uses some more hints abt Jay like his brunette hair, something abt lightning, his freckles, EVERYTHING.

after he listened to the album, Jay is like, wait a minute. HE LIKES ME????? 


Your eyes scanned the arcade you left your sibling at for about 3 hours. Some sibling you are, how can I leave them there? You spoke to yourself mentally as you searched it up and down.

You had your hood over your head to make yourself less...open. Last thing you need to worry about is having a crowd sworm around you and you lose your chances on finding your little sibling.

Mother/Father's gonna kick my aaaasss. You panicked as you asked people of they have seen a little kid and described what they wore. You spoke in a different voice so you don't risk on getting attention. You already had sunglasses and your hood up, but people have sharp eyesight. You learned that the hard way.

It was hard being a famous singer at 16 years old.

You could never show people the real you.

Which is why you rarely made friends. You made a couple, but not much. You still loved them with all your heart. You never wanted to draw much attention to yourself anyways.

"S/N! S/N, I'm serious, where are you!?" You called out for the 23rd time, you lost count to be honest, but it feels like you've been searching for hours.

"And my older brother, Y/N L/N, is one of the bestest brothers I could ask for! He is a famous singer and better then whatever you all will be when your older like him!"

You heard your name and you looked to the source of it to find your little sibling surrounded by kids a year older then them. Ah, S/N! You cursed under your breath as you rush over to them.

"Ooh! Look, there he is! Y/N!" Your sibling jumped down from a chair they were sitting at and ran toward you. "Y/N! Tell these meanies that you're an amazing singer, and your songs are SLAY-" You gently slammed your hand over their mouth and grabbed them, attempting to run away.

"S/N! What did I tell you about telling strangers about my job? We don't need to start-AH!" Two screams screamed over each other. One was yours and one was...another male?

As you hit the floor with your sibling safe, you quickly tried to stand. "Im so sorry, I wasn't looking!" You help the boy with the brown locks back up to his feet. You both made eye contact and your eyes sparkled.

The boy that stood in front of you was the most handsome boy you've laid eyes upon. His hair was fluffy, his frecles were goergous, and his eyes.

They were the most beautiful.

They were a bright, electric blue, and the shined bright under the arcade lights.

"Omg, You're..." He started, "You're Y/N! Omg, I was just listening ti your music!" He fanboyed all over.

You were flicked out of your trance by your sibling, smirking up at you.

"Uh, Y-Yeah. I'm-I'm gald you enjoy i-IT." Your cheeks turned a shade of pink as you spoke to the boy. "It's amazing, dude! Uh- can-can I call you dude? I know you don't know me-"

"I'm sorry, I gotta run, uh, nice talkin'! I'll catch you later!"

Before he could respond, you ran past him and out the door with your little sibling right behind getting dragged.

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