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REQUESTER: anon on tumblr <3 (link in bio!)

TYPE: fluff, meeting parents crack, romantic, headcanons & oneshot

RELATIONSHIP: couple/dating <3

WARNINGS: minor cursing, none rly !

 · Convincing Cole to agree to you meeting his dad, he was very nervous

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· Convincing Cole to agree to you meeting his dad, he was very nervous. In the beginning, it was easy. Sending him letters while he You knew he grew 'was' up in Marty Ophenhimire School for Performing Arts, keeping the secret about him being Ninja risking his life for the safety of Ninjago

· .Lou recently found out about Cole being a Ninja, and at first, he was refusing to believe it but soon grows used to it after seeing how successful he is at that then being a dancer and singer.

· Cole rarely talks about his father, so you are normally the one to start up 'that' conversation. He tries to change the subject but he knows how much you want to meet him. Once you were able to convince the boy, the day arrived and Cole had beads of sweat falling from his forehead.

· While hearing the doorbells jingle, Cole quickly wiped his armpits to clear the sweat and nervous smile formed on his lips as the door opened to reveal his father. 

 · You and Lou actually got along pretty well. He thinks you and his son look cute together. He finds you funny, charming, and overall a good person to Cole.

·  You already have his blessing to the marriage, LOL


Standing beside Cole, you watched from the corner of your eyes as you fixed your shirt Cole wipe his armpits. With a chuckle you rolled your eyes and soon looked up hearing the jingle as Cole pressed the bell, causing him to rub his face and groan in embarrassment.

"Dammit, I forgot he installed that jingllleee"

You giggled slightly, eventually smiling wide as the door opens to reveal cole's father. He looked like your everyday average dad. And if you were being honest, he actually looked like Cole.

"Heeeey...dad? How long has it been?" Cole smiles nervously, closing his teeth as he spoke. Mr. Brookstone's face at first showed a serious expression, but once seeing his son he smiled and opened his arms wide open, gulping him into a hug.

"Cole! How wonderful it is to see you again, my son!" Suddenly, you felt Lou's eyes fall onto you and you smiled, unsure of what to do as he pulled away from his son.

"You're a new face. I've never seen you in the area? What is your name, young one?"

"Uh-" you cleaned your throat, "My name's Y/N, sir. I live smack in the middle of Ninjago City!" You smiled as Lou looked at you up and down. "Ah, I see. You're friends with my son and his fellow Ninja comrades?" He questioned, looking back at Cole to get his approval Cole and you both turned pink a bit as he stammers on his words.

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