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REQUESTER: no one 

(my morro one made me want to write one for Cole and the others <3)

WARNINGS: if you count fluff as a warning......then yeah


· He may be the Elemental Master of Earth, but under all those rocks he's a baby boy at heart. HE.IS.THE.BEST.BOY.FRIEND.TO.HAAAVE!!! 

· First meeting wasn't anything new, you all met through Sensei Wu. You, Cole, Kai, and all the others. At first, you two were nothing but friends. Best friends for that matter...until a couple of years went by and Cole started to feel...different around you.

· He can't really be in the same room as you anymore without having to blush whenever he talked to you, but he was pretty good at hiding that from you. But once you're gone his face is red and you know Kai, and sometimes Jay, teases him for his crush on you.

· He thinks you're the greatest person to ever exist, need anything you go to him and he'll help you hands down!

· Expect a bunch of piggyback rides wherever you two go. Walking around the Monastery? You're on his back. Just making a quick run to the store, he'll carry you he does not think you're heavy at all.

· "It's like holding a pile of feathers." <3

· He can be very protective over you but he just wants you to be safe. He knows you can take care of yourself but he feels like a bad boyfriend if he can't do anything to help you when you need him.

· He also loves to cuddle. He's like a huge teddy bear you'd wanna hug forever

· Play with his hair, I swear it makes him feel so much better! All the stress he had rested on his shoulders drowned away when you touch his hair. You usually do it when you two are cuddling, or when he's angry at something and you use that to calm him down. 

· He loves to use nicknames for you, and the one he'll normally use is "Honey" or "Cake" ... Yeah, Cake. He loves cake and you're sweet like cake so boom it works. A rare one he'll also use is "BooBoo Bear." He will also use "Sweetheart" when he needs something from you, you learned that a little while ago.

· He's so scared to leave you alone during missions. There was this one time in the Sons of Garmadon take over, he, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Master Wu were sent to the Realm of Oni and Dragon for a little while and when they returned you were severely injured.

· He was scared to lose you, but when you recovered he gently tackled you into a hug and sobbed in your shoulder, you could feel his hands rub your back and grab the fabric of your clothes when he knew you were there, live and well. 

· He and you have karaoke moments together and it's hilarious when one of the others walks in on it. Cole's red from head to toe and you're just there standing like a statue as you look back from the said person and Cole.

· If it's one of the guys Cole will literally grab a pillow and throw it at them, chasing them out of the room but if it's Master Wu, Nya, or any one of the elders he'll cough nervously as he waits for them to leave. 

· You guys also cook together, but because Cole was banned from the kitchen, 3 times, Zane had to keep an eye out for the both of you if you were a decent cook and can handle both Cole and the cooking Zane will smile and leave the two of you be. 

· There was this one time Cole accidentally lit the inside of the oven on fire and a lot of baking soda was involved. After that, Cole usually just gets store-bought cakes or treats when he feels like it. 

· When you two sleep, he likes to have you in his arms. It makes him feel more confident and he knows you are protected. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like to be held, he loves it, especially by you.

· The covers are over both your bodies and the heat from his hold and the blanket made it feel like an active volcano in the bed. 

· Knowing Cole snores, (canaon) you don't really get affected by it in any way, but sometimes it does tend to get annoying but you say nothing because you don't want to make him upset in any way. Besides, everyone snores it's nothing to be ashamed of.

· In the mornings' Cole is normally unlikely to wake up before you. So you wake up in his arms under the covers, his chest to your back and his face by your neck. You sometimes tend to fall back asleep in his arms or you try your best to get out of bed....but that just normally wakes him up and you have a new problem to deal with.

· His phone wallpaper is the both of you on your first date at a bakery called "Cakes Delight" and you playfully rolled your eyes as Cole's eyes sparkled at the sight of all the flavors and dragged you into the bakery. 

· The photo is you with Cole's phone taking a bird's eye view angle pic. You had a cookie in your mouth winking at the camera giving a single finger gun to Cole's head, (for fun) all while Cole had three cakes on one plate, a smile on his face as it was stuffed with cake while he gave a peace sign for the photo. 

· When you're talking with one of your friends who came to the Monastery to hang out, Cole tends to wrap himself in a blanket and tackle you mid-conversation and playfully whine about 'being left alone' even though he had the guys to hang out with.

· Even though you two are a couple, he can't help but get butterflies every time you do something cute. Sneeze? He's smiling. Becoming clingy? His heart has melted.

EDITED: more headcanons <3

having Cole as your boyfriend is like heaven. He's a gentleman and a sweet boy by heart. You can never make him angry, ( you only do if you do something reckless, keep a secret from him, or literally anything along those lines ) He likes to bake you cakes, or anything pastry or food but ended up always burning it. You caught him crying softly in the kitchen and your heart shattered when you heard he just wanted to bake you something as a thank-you for being the best partner in the entire world. You ended up helping him bake the pastry, and it was 10/10. Totally recommend it, lol. Jay ( knowing he had the crush on you first ) always teases you both when you both kiss, causing Cole to chase him around the place while you're a blushing mess. Nya and Jay are dating, so Cole normally gets blackmail photos of Jay failing the kiss and dip- Jay gets angry Cole can do it but he can't. The others, ( Nya, Zane, Lloyd, PIXAL, and Kai ) are both happy for you both, and of course, Jay is too. Cole teases you about you being smaller than him. He's 10x stronger than you, so he takes his hands and squeezes your biceps and teases 'Have you been eating anything but junk food, Babe. You're as weak as a jellyfish' and you burst out into laughter from the ticklish sensation. 


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