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↳ REQUESTER:  goalsxsalam🫰    

WARNINGS: literally just fluff but maybe some angsty moments <3 this also sucks and may not make sense but MORRO IS MY FAVORITE VILLIAN AND I WANT TO HAVE ONE WHERE I CAN TALK WITH HIM GHOST OR HUMAN IDGAF!!!! :<


· Not much PDA with you two, Morro's not a huge fan of it in my eyes. But if it was just you and him and no one else was around he would wrap an arm around your shoulder/waist (depending on which way you're sitting) and just sit in silence

· He likes to play with your hair, whether it's short or long, he'll attempt to run his fingers through your hair and try not to phase through you

· When he does, it scares you. You feel a cold shiver down your spine and that's part of the reason Morro doesn't touch you much

· In the beginning he wasn't certain about this relationship. For one, he's a ghost, and your not. He's a villain and your not. He can't touch you most of the time and he can't be anywhere near water or else goes *poof* (and I will literally sob if that happens.)

· When he's able to, he'll give you gentle temple kisses and they are like heaven

· The others were worried about your safety with Morro, another reason why he doesn't think this relationship will work, but Lloyd would be the most worried. For pretty much obvious reasons.

· You both had a serious talk and when the others saw how much you both cared for each other, even if Morro shows it in another way, they somehow grew comfortable. Kai and Lloyd took the most time to accept it.

· Master Wu also had mixed feelings. Whenever he found you alone in your room, training, or when your talking with him he'll ask if you feel comfortable around Morro. He understands what it's like to be asked these questions but he's really trying to know if this is what you want.

· He had trouble being out in public. There are things he's never seen before and you sometimes help him by explaining what the things are. 

· You're normally the one cooking in the relationship but because you're with the Ninja, Zane's mostly the one seen in the kitchen making some food. And because Morro's your partner the others try to be somewhat nice to him, but it's still very awkward. 

· You'll rarely ever see him smile. Tell him he's your hero in green and he'll become a completely different person istg you'll have him wrapped around your finger

· (this incorrect quote just made me laugh so hard-)

Y/N: Ok, maybe playing 'Whose Family is Most Dysfunctional' wasn't the best idea we've had. Morro's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can't get him out...

· He calls you mean nicknames but you know he's just having trouble with this whole 'relationship' thing and usually goes like, 'hey jerk, can you get me a sandwich while you're in there?' and you don't get angry unless he and you are arguing.

· Morro may like to play with your hair but please comb your fingers through his, it'll calm him down so much, my god.

· He doesn't walk...he hovers above the ground to get to places and you just find it so cute to see his back hunched over like a grandma.

· During the night, he's an owl. He gets barely any sleep but he doesn't make that anyone's business until you found him on the roof of the Monastery one night. 

· When he finds you awake he would tell you to go back to bed but it'll come off rude but you take offense to it, it's just how he talks (he can be gentle when he needs to be) give him time, and he'll turn around.

· It ends with either you two taking late-night strolls around the city or you'll stay on the roof and you'd have your head to his shoulder until you go back to bed, and Morro takes you back to your room to let you sleep. 

· He's walked in on you changing before...and he was not phased at all. If you two weren't dating he'd immediately walk out the door, but he enters the room and grab some of his clothes....while you're literally just standing covering your body with your clothes and eventually blanket. 

· He walks out with a 'lock the door next time and maybe this won't happen again

· "A little heads up would be very helpful!!" You cried, tossing one of your pillows at the door as Morro phased through it without getting hit with the pillow. 

· He one time walked in on you dancing to some weird 'Just-Dance' is what you told him the game was and you invited him on joining, but he refused and tried to walk out but you grabbed his wrist and tossed him a Wii remote and that's when the disaster started.

· This ghost can't dance, even if his life depended on it someone help him. He noticed you laughing at him and he raged quit, throwing the remote to the carpeted floor of your room and stomping out, causing you to follow him and try to apologize.

· No whenever he sees you dancing he tries to get out of there, not because you're a bad dancer, he just doesn't wanna get dragged into whatever that is-

· While kissing you, Morro likes to hold you close to him. Whether it's him holding your hands, shoulders, or even arms, as long as he's touching you he'll close his eyes in the kiss. 

· His kisses aren't long, they are a good 3 seconds before he pulls away and you respect that. You never try to make Morro uncomfortable because he's still trying to be the best boyfriend he can be.

· Morro's not the best at comforting, but if he sees you upset he'll try to talk to you but he sometimes just lets you rant and cry if needed to him while he sits beside you, his head resting either on your shoulder or the wall of your room.

· He nods when you talk, but says nothing. He tries to make you feel better but he has no idea what to do that he'll feel bad and try to give you space by ignoring you, leaving you on read, or not even answering your messages.

· When he sees you willing to talk to him, face to face, he'll then start talking. 

· There's a 50/50 chance he might break up with you because he's just like that. He has no idea how to deal with relationships but believes he is trying his best. Arguments happen between you and him, but they last for a couple of days until you both apologize (he tries to at least)

· He may have a very hard time expressing his love towards you, but you still love every little thing he does for you. He tried to take you out on a date to the park, but that ended with little kids going GAGA over you because you were a Ninja (or if you don't wanna be a Ninja, you can just say you know them) and Morro just stays away from the people and leans against a tree.

· He also tried to take dance lessons off of YouTube, but looking back at your history you see 'how do you be a good boyfriend to your partner?' and your heart melted and a small smile formed on your lips.

· If you are patient with him, one day you two will become the best couple and he will love you forever. 

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