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req on tumblr: hiiii! i love your writings sm, it's amazing! if your requests are open, can you write how the ninjas from ninjago will react to having a nightmare about Y/N dying? (And then, Y/N, like, will calm them down). Sorry if I explained something incomprehensibly ":D

after having a nightmare about the reader almost dying in battle, Y/N shows them that their here with them no matter what and they are okay

zane's one was hard. how t do i write for someone who doesn't even need sleep? ;-;

not in the order above :]

reader's pronouns are they/them

warnings are fluff, mention of death, bl00d, characters dying, unedited writing, also the pov's keep changing idk i confused myself ahem.


Kai gave Y/N's lips a quick kiss to the lips before saying goodnight, He smiled softly, watching as they shut the door closed to their single bedroom beside Nya's.

The boys' room was just a hallway down from the Monastery– so if any one of them needed the other.

The Red Ninja got comfortable in the sheets of his bed, closing his eyes as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

The battle was heated.

Car horns blared left from right

Kai was the only Ninja left who was up and still willing to put up a fight. He watched as all his friends lay on the ground bruised and bleeding. Zane's wires sticking out of his body, Jay's body smashed under a piece of rubble, Cole laying face first on the concrete, his own sister laying on the ground, her mouth and arm bleeding, the beloved Green Ninja Lloyd laying against a collapsed building.

Kai struggled to his knees, one eye shut tight due to pain as he saw Garmadon grab Y/N by the neck,,,his grip on her never getting softer.

"You really believe you can defeat me? i don't even know why Master Wu gave you a chance, you'll never be a good hero. You can't even save your little friend over here," Garmadon's voice rang through Kai's ears, wincing at the sound of your cries of pain.

"Let them go! Garmadon, they didn't do anything, you can't kill them! I won't let you!" Kai screams, using all the strength he had left to charge at Garmadon with his dented sword.

Garmadon grins wickedly, grabbing Kai with his other and throwing him to the ground. Kai's face hits the floor and struggles to stand back up.

With the corner of his eye, he sees Y/N get slammed to the ground by the Oni, a scream escaping her lips when Garmadon grabs a broken metal pole from the ground.

"No...nonono–Y/N, MOVE!"

Suddenly, a loud slice sound caused Kai's eyes to widen in fear as red liquid splashed against his face. Y/N's screams were the last thing he heard before it went quiet. Y/N's body stopped moving and they laid flat on the floor as a metal rode was stabbed in their chest

"Y/N!" Kai's body rockets up from his pillow and sits up, beads of sweat falling from his forehead as he takes large deep breaths in and out. He looks around the room to see the rest of the Ninja fast asleep, but what caught his eye was Y/N's figure standing by his bedside with a sad smile on their face.

"Hey, hot-head." They giggled softly until Kai grabbed them and wrapped his arms around their shoulders, basically pulling them in with in bed. "K―Kai?"

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