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REQUESTER: no one !

TYPE: fluff, crack, oneshots, imagines, romantic


WARNINGS: mention of alcohol, cursing, throwing up


☾.  ↳ KAI

You only turn 19 once 

They said

It's fine, I'll only a sip 

They said

"Y/N, get up." Kai had enough of his partner's drunk behavior. They were getting dragged across the floor of Skylor's living room where she insisted on having Y/N's 19th birthday party there. They held onto Kai's sweater sleeve.

At first, he had them in his arms, but they kept screaming and kicking, crying as they reached the floor. Kai was unphased by their sobs, rubbing his face with his free hand as Skylor walked up beside him with a glass of electric red wine. "Having fun?" She teased as she watched Y/N crawl away while sobbing. They didn't far when they grabbed the table leg and just cried there.

"It's like taking care of an overgrown baby!" He complained, rubbing his temples as he tried to calm down. 

Skylor laughs as she places a hand on Kai's shoulder, "They're drunk like hell. Don't worry, it's not the now you have to worry about. It's in the morning."

Kai groaned once more as he stomps over to Y/N, taking their arm and dragging them up to their feet.

"Kaaaahahai!" They cried, hiding their face on his shoulder as he struggled to lift them up. "You're okay, baby. I got you. Imma take you home now, okay?"

All he got in response was more sobs and whines from his lover, to which he rolled his eyes and gave them a quick kiss on the head before walking out the front door and thanking Skylor. 

Kai opened the door to his car, using his foot to open it placing Y/N in the passenger seat. Closing the door, they face-planted into the window. Their tears were dried and their eyes closed, feeling their head get smashed like a truck in a car crash.

On the ride back home, Kai had his hand on Y/N's leg as he smiled fondly, noticing them asleep. 

☾. ↳ JAY

"JAYY! JAYAJAYJAYJAYJAAAAYYYYY!!!" The sound of his partner caused Jay to turn his head away from Cole and Nya to find Y/N running towards him with Zane close behind, practically getting dragged. 

"Y/N? What's wrong?" he asked as he grabs onto Y/N's shoulders. They had giggles pouring out of their mouth as they made eye contact with Jay

They reeked of alcohol. 

"JJ!!! I wa-nt you to mphet my boyfwirend Zannee!" 

Jay blinked a couple of times before looking up at Zane, who was just as confused as him. "I believe Y/N is what you call 'drunk'. I tried to get them to stop drinking the shots but they did not listen to a single thing I said." He explained and Jay sighed.

"Y/N..you already have a boyfriend..."

"Yeaaha! Zane!!" They smiled, pointing to him.

"No, Y/N. It's me. I'm your boyfriend."

All of sudden they let out a gasp that soon turned into sobs, "Whahaahat?" Thye sniffled, letting go of Znae's arm. "I-I'm a chehehater?!! NAHA JJ!!" Y/N grabs Jay's shirt, pulling him into them as they cried into his chest, crying about how sorry they are. 

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