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req on tumblr by anon: Hi! Do you mind writing a part two of the Oni ask, I thought it was super cute and really good. Maybe when they introduce Oni reader to the team, Oni reader gets shy and hides behind Lloyd/Kai/Cole

Warnings are pretty much cursing

Reader's pronouns are they/them


Everybody's reaction was just like you thought they would be, "COLE WHAT THE ACTUAL—" but he tells them that it's not the type of Oni they like they are. Sure, it may sound pretty decent in his head but saying it out loud is just something he thought he'd never say, especially if he's talking about an Oni. The team's sudden reactions caused the small Oni to jump, grabbing Cole's leg as the two of them stood in front of the entrance of the Monastery. Cole placed a hand on their soft head and shushed them quietly.

Lloyd was the first to confront Cole about them, asking where he found them and how he found them.

Jay was a bit distant, he was unsure how to feel about having an Oni in their home. A full-blooded Oni. Not a half, like Lloyd. 

Kai was pissed. He did not trust you at all. He didn't care at the start if you were just a child, you were an Oni. But Cole explained that you were lost, unsure where to go. If you were full Oni, you would have already tried to kill them all, right? 

Zane was somewhat like Jay, but he was able to speak with you...sometimes. Most of the time you would give everyone the silent treatment besides Cole. He was the one who gave you a bath, who showed you most foods they eat, and gave you a home. 

If he's being honest, he trusts you. The others didn't see how you were struggling outside all alone, different than the others. Master Wu was also unsettled by your arrival. Why was a full-blooded Oni just left alone in the city of Ninjago, with no desire to destroy? Master Wu was just as puzzled as the rest.


Lloyd himself was uneasy. he found you during the rain of his father and the Sons of Garamdon. Not the best time to find an Oni and show it to the team. When they were all reunited, Cole, Kai, Jay, Zane, & Master Wu saw you hiding behind Lloy'd leg when they parted from the hug. 

Young Master Wu was the first to notice the Oni and immediately went into shock. Both Nya and Lloyd tried to get the team to calm down, their yelling caused the Oni to whimper and hide behind Lloyd once more, hugging his calf. 

Small tears formed, rolling down the Oni's cheek as the salty taste entered their mouth. Lloyd was quick to look back and try to calm them down while the team was just confused. Kai didn't really trust you, even after the Sons f Garmadon. 

Jay and Cole were both on guard, making sure you don't do anything sneaky. None of them know if you're a spy for Garmadon, but you seemed to have no interest in the other Oni. You seemed lost and in need of direction. 

Zane was the only one who got you to speak to them all, being the kind gentleman he is, you were drawn to his kindness. The one person you would actually allow to touch you is Lloyd, combing your fur, giving you a small bath after finding you and giving you all the food you desire. Master Wu when he grew older, kept his eye on you. He isn't going to say he hated you, but he also found you suspicious.


Obviously finding you the other team found you as well. He was lost in thought until Jay screamed, 'KAI THAT'S A FRICKING ONI—' and Faith was ready to fight, but was confused why Kai still held the Oni in his arms. He was quick to raise his opposite arm to cause Faith to raise her sword and keep it in the air, halting her. 

He explained that the Oni seemed to be hurt and gently placed them on the ground, holding their arm up as he inspected their ribs. As suspected, there was a small cut near the middle of their ribs and underarm. Must've been a glass cut because it seem to be deep, and the blood was somewhere close to dry, but there was still some fresh blood. He could smell it when he lifted Oni's arm slowly.

Zane then came into view and tried to help aid the Oni, ripping some fabric off his ninja gi and tying it around the Oni's rib. "Are we forgetting this is an ONI—?!" Cole cuts Jay off by clamping his hand over his mouth, noticing the way the Oni huddle itself into Kai's arms when Zane finished wrapping the wound.

Throughout their adventure in the Land of Oni & Dragon, Kai had the small Oni on his back, giving them water when they found some and protecting it from the Dragon Hunters who found it with Kai. Timeskip back to Ninjago City, both Nya & Lloyd were not expecting to see Kai come back with an Oni in his arms. Lloyd screamed slightly at the sight of you while Nya took out her sword, but the others stopped them, to their own surprise.

Kai explained that they found this Oni in the Realm, but it didn't want to hurt them. They had no intention of doing so. Over time, the team has gotten used to your presence, treating you like a younger sibling. Kai was mostly the one who was with you though, allowing you to use his clothes in the meantime while they went off to fetch you some new ones. Master Wu tried his hardest to figure out why you had no intention of harming them.

And the others were just trying to not whip out their weapons every time they see you ;}

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