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REQUESTER: anon on tumblr (link in bio!)

WARNINGS: takes place around after season 8-9

↳  RELATIONSHIP: couple/dating <3

Ninjago's savior in green lets out a silent yawn as he opens the cupboard above the stove in the Monastery kitchen

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Ninjago's savior in green lets out a silent yawn as he opens the cupboard above the stove in the Monastery kitchen. He took out one of Y/N's favorite cereals and took out a white bowl from the sink strainer, placing the ceramic bowl on the counter.

Opening the fridge he took out some milk and place it beside the bowl.

The time was around if he had to guess, 7 in the morning. Today was the ninja's day off. Meaning Master Wu didn't force them to train at 6 AM and even he got to sleep in.

The only ninjas awake at the moment are Zane and Lloyd. Zane is always an early bird because he doesn't really need to sleep to regain energy, he doesn't need to sleep but he does have a rest mode and he does rest once in a while.

Zane was currently in the living room, organizing the video games Jay and cole left carelessly on the floor last night before heading off to sleep.

Zane wasn't mad though, he just wishes Jay and cole could clean these up sometimes once in a while.

The Nindroid heard Lloyd place the bowl down on the counter and he stands up and finds Lloyd pouring some cereal into the bowl.

 "Good morning, Lloyd." Zane started, placing the last of the games in the basket under the TV. "Mornin'" Lloyd responded with a tired smile and placed the cereal back in the cupboard closing it quietly.

Zane turned his head to the side a little bit, "What are you doing awake? You do comprehend it is 7: 12 in the morning, correct?" Zane asked, watching Lloyd now pour the milk into the bowl.

The Green Ninja sighs, turning on his heels towards the fridge and opening it, closing it a few seconds later when he placed the milk back.


The Nindroid waited for his friend to continue, but he didn't. "Why are you awake at such an early hour? We do not have to train today, do we?" He questioned, his eyes flickered a bright blue showing him looking through his calendar to show Lloyd.

The blond placed a hand on Zane's shoulder stopping the Nindroid.

"No, Zane. I know we don't have to train today. I just couldn't sleep." He replied and Zane hums in response, "Hm. Is something bothering you?"

Lloyd leans against the hallway entrance wall, taking a bite out of his cereal before shaking his head 'no'.

"I'm alright. Y/N was just thrashing a lot in bed last night, I thought they just needed a night to themselves so I slept on the couch."

Zane listened to Lloyd's explanation, and he thought for a moment.

"Why was Y/N thrashing around in their sleep?"

"I just thought they wanted the bed to themself?" Lloyd replied, taking yet another bite out of the cereal before Zane spoke up once more, "I do not know so much about the human body...but when one thrashes around in bed they seem to be in some sort of distress."

Lloyd gave Zane a questioning look, placing his bowl beside him on the counter.

"Was Y/N—"

The sound of a door struggling to open cuts Zane off. Both Lloyd and Zane look down the hall, the sound getting louder.

"Lloyd! Lloyd, where are you?! LLOYD! why won't the door open! "

Y/N's panicked cries caused the heroine in green and white to sprint down the hall and to Lloyd's room. Lloyd tried to open the door but it was locked. It would be able to unlock it, but it only locks from the inside.

"Y/N!" He called out and the sound of the door stopped.


The two ninjas heard Y/N's voice crack through the door. Their voice was soft but it sounded like they'd been crying. "I'm here. I'm right here. I need you to unlock the door for me, can you do that for me?" Lloyd called out to his scared partner, his hand gently gripping the door knob.

"I—I can't! It won't—my hands are too shakey, Lloyd! Are you okay!" They cried. Lloyd moves to the side and allowed Zane to use a sharp piece of ice to pick the lock of the door.

"Yeah—Yeah, I'm okay." Lloyd looks back to the Nindroid, "Zane, I need you to hurry this up" He whispers shouts.

"if you keep interrupting me, no one will get this door open," Zane spoke, not looking away from what he was doing.

Moments of Lloyd and Y/N talking through the door continued for a couple of more moments before Zane was able to open the door, swinging it open.


"Oh, thank ghod—" Y/N sobs, jumping into Lloyd's arms. This caused the green savior to topple over his feet, but he kept his balance and placed his hand on the back of Y/N's hair and the other wrapped around their torso.

"Ihi thought I lohost you!" They sobbed into his neck, causing Lloyd to fall to his knees, Y/n following. Zane kept his distance, a small frown decorated his lips as he watched.

"What? Y/N, what happened, why are you—"

"I had a nihihghtmhare! You—You left me behihiind in the Oni Temple—I—I tried to caahall for you—but you forghohot me! I—I thought I would never sehe you again!"

Lloyd was silent for a moment, the sound he could hear was your sobs. He stared at the floor, rocking Y/N back and forth.

After what felt like forever, Lloyd suddenly took Y/N's cheeks and held them in his hands forcing them to look at him. His heart broke when he saw their tear-stained face.

"Y/N.." He began softly, "What, in all of Ninjago, would make you think I will forget about you and let you die?"

Sniffles escaped from Y/N's nose, and they tried to speak but more sobs only slipped out.

"Even if the world was ending, Y/N. I will never ever leave you! you had a nightmare, baby. What you just experienced right now, it wasn't real.'

"But— Ihit felt soho reheal!" Y/n sobs into Lloyd's chest, staining his PJ shirt.

"I know. I know." He cooed, pressing a gentle kiss to Y/N's head. "But it's over now. I promise you, you will never be without me!"

"I love you, Y/N L/N."

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