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REQ: HELLO‼️‼️ I saw you were doing Ninjago requests so i was wondering could you do one where the reader(gn) is based off koyuki from demon slayer ⁉️ it could be something like any of the ninja of your choice being tasked to take care of the reader. i don't care if it's romantic or platonic i just want to see what the ninja would do in the situation ‼️THANK YOU‼️‼️

Sooooo, I never watched demon slayer, but I did do my reaserch on this character! I hope this isn't too bad, I'm not a huge fan of this piece of writing, bit I you all will like it. Thx for the req!!Also I, i think I took "taking care of Y/N" in a different term, my bad :(

tw: broken bones + swears

key: F/C ; favorite color .. F/M ; favorite movie


The sound of Y/N's cries of pain caused Cole to instantly go into big brother Cole mode. He jumped over the couch and ran to the doors of the Monestary. The big doors entered his vision and almost instantly he threw the doors open to see Y/N in Kai's arms.

They were crying and screaming in pain, reasuuring words came out of Kai's mouth as the reached Cole. "They were crying and screaming in pain, reasuuring words came out of Kai's mouth as the reached Cole.

"It hurts, it fucking huhurts!" Tears filled their eyes. In slo-motion, Cole looked at Y/N's leg. It looked twisted and bruised. It looked...broken.

"Wha-What happened?" Cole asked as Nya rushed behind her brother with you in his arms, still crying from the pain. "They-They were gone for not even 10 seconds and they were jumped by thugs! A-A store was getting robbed and-and me and Kai thought Y/N would be find catching one thug, but suddenly four more jumped them and-" Tears stained her cheeks from her pervious crying, but new fresh tears started to form as they ran into the Med Room.

Another one of Y/N's screams caused Cole to look back up at Kai who placed them on the bed. He tried to stop them from curling in on theirself so Zane could get a better look at your leg.

"Gaaaaha! Ihit hurts!" Y/N cried, tears falling from their cheeks. Kai squeezed their hand as Zane examed their leg. It was bruised from the calf and down, a little banged up, but hopefully nothing to serious.

"I know, but you moving around like this will make it hurt more." Kai tried to calm them down, but they curled around even more. Cole soon walked into their vision, causing them to turn their head toward him.

"Hey, hey. I know this hurts, but you're doing great, Y/N. Just a couple more seconds. Zane is putting the cast on as we speak, just look at me, try not to focus on the pain." Cole spoke over your cries and groans. Kai allowed Cole to take the lead, not stopping him because it seemed to work. Zane was able to put the cast on quicker with him moving Y/N's leg as much.

"What's your favorite color?" Cole asked, making eye contact with Y/N.

"Uh-AH-Uh.." It took them longer to say an answer, "F-FC! GAh!"

"Good. Good. Uh, how about movie? I love movies!"

"Uh-F/M!!" You cried you our favorite movies name as Zane finished the cast.

"There we go," Zane smiled as he looked at Y/N who still cried. "Thank you, Cole."

Cole waved him off, saying it was nothing. Y/N's eyes closed, they took deep breaths relieved the pain was over.

"When-When will they get better? Like, when will their leg heal?" Kai asked, tapping his foot as he looked at Zane. Zane thought for a moment, "I cannot be certain, but possibly in the next 4-6 months."

"Hah?!" You cried, slamming your head back to the pillow. Cole asked for Zane and Kai to go out of the room to talk about this and he'll let Y/N know when they'll get better.

Y/N watched as Cole escorted the two out of the room and closed the door a tad. He smiled back at you before asking you if you needed anything.


Two months have passed and during the time period, Lloyd was able to get Y/N some crutches. They were already doing fine on the cast, by fine you mean Cole basically carrying them aroun like royalty. Cole wanted to make sure they were comfortable with the crutches, so he stood by their side as they used them for the first time.

Almost cried when Y/N almost ran into a wall, such a gentlemen.

"Cole. I can grab it-"

"Nah-uh. You sit your butt back on that bed and I'l get for you."

They've pretty much gotten use to him bossing them around, but they weren't really complaining. He was their best friend after all.


"You rang?" Cole grinned as he entered Y/N's room when their soup. Y/N was 4 months in recovery, having doctor appointments for their leg now and then, Y/N's should be healed un the next month if they just sit and try not to put pressure on the leg. Although they've been doing well without cole's help, they could never tell him that.

He's been trying to hard to help Y/N feel better, he's even attempted to sleep in the same room if they need water, use the bathroom, or get a midnight snack because he knows how much they love those.

"I actually rang Jay, but it's always fun to see your face. Even though I see everyday now." You joked, "Well, Jay was out on a mission with the others so," Cole shrugged as he sat down on the bedside as he placed the soup on the dresser by your bed.

"Wait, don't tell me you stayed behind on a mission to take care of me?" You asked and Cole blew gently on the spoon with soup. "Okay, I won't."

You have him a 'are you serious' look as he locked eyes with you. "Y/N, I'm sorry, but I just want to be here for you since I wasn't when you got hurt! I want to see you get better with my own eyes."

"Cole," You laughed, "I've been doing fine, I barely need the crutches anymor-" Cole cuts you off by gently shoving the spoon into your mouth. "All I hear, "Aw, thank you Cole for taking such great care of me! I haven't complained at all after the past 6 months."

You swallowed the soup and chuckled, "I sound nothing like that, dork."

It was quiet for a moment, Cole stll feeding them now and then. before he did again, Y/N spoke. "I..actually am thankful for you, Cole. I mean it. Thank you for taking care of me these past 6 months." Cole smiled, wiping soup off your chin with his thumb.

"Anything for you, Y/N. You know that. I wouldn't just sit back and relax knowing my friend's hurt-"

You grabbed Cole and engulfed him in a hug. He paused, not wantinh to hurt you if he moves. Suddenly, he smiled, hugging you back.

"Thank you," You spoke.

"You're welcome, Y/N."

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