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request on tumblr by anon: hii love ur books !! can i request the ninja on ur birthday headcanons (ninjago)?

Warnings: fluff, that's basically it!

Reader's pronouns: they/them


Wakes you up in the gentlest way he can think of. Kisses all over the face. Whispering your name softly over and over causing you to giggle. Once your awake, he offers you both to make breakfast. He makes your favorite and tells you how much he loves you. His lips are on your skin all the time. He's kissing you all day long. During breakfast, during the party, during the birthday cake, during the present opening, even when you're having a conversation with an old friend, surprise, Kai's leaned over your shoulder to give your nose a kiss. He gifts you with a golden necklace, with diamonds decorating the middle.


He's doing the whole 'surprise' party thing, where you enter back home and all the lights are at and the moment you turn on the lights, boom he's there along with everyone else shouting 'SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' while you try to make your heart attack non-noticeable. He wanted to bake you a cake, but the others refused to let him do it on his own...or do anything but give them the ingredients. Zane basically made the cake, that is all I'm saying. That e ate all by himself btw. He made you a homemade card, with small little doodles of him and the gang, he's an artist, I swear. Makes you feel special on your day!


Today's all about you, baby! And he's going to make sure you know that! Wakes you up by jumping on your figure, as gently as he possibly could, and kisses your face, telling you to wake up. He makes everybody remember your birthday, "Hey, did you guys remember what time of the month it is?" "Nya's period?" "KAI I WILL DROWN YOUR HAIR GEL-" Gives you a butt-load of gifts. Small things, large things, heck he bought you a plush of himself so you'll have to be sad when he's out on missions.


Wants you to have the best day of your life. Live to your fullest, they say. Has no idea what a birthday meant at first, he assumed he never had one. You felt so bad for him, growing up without a birthday. I mean, he is a Nindroid, but that shouldn't mean anything! You decided to spend the day with Zane, wanting him to think it was his birthday as well! He bought you a white and gold bracelet with your initials on it!


Tries his hardest to make the day special, just for you! He tried to throw a surprise party but he's got no idea how to do that so you caught him mid-decorating the Monastery. He froze and you had a small smile on your face, thanking him. It's the thought that counts. The two of you went out for a date instead, since the surprise party is a bust, he bought you all the desserts you wanted, and even got you a green and white necklace, laced with gold. At the end of the day, you and he watch some of your favorite movies while sitting on the couch with snacks and other food. He apologizes your day wasn't the way he wanted it to be, but you just laugh and kiss his lips, telling him as long as you are with him, it doesn't matter what you're doing.


Wakes you up with breakfast in bed. Makes your favorites and doesn't expect you to eat all of it, just a good amount because today you're going to be busy little Ninjas! First (if you're that kinda girl, or a girl), she takes you to get your hair done, nails done, and goes shopping! (but, if you're not that kinda girl, or a guy) you two go to a movie, that she pays for and your all like, "No, no Nya, let me pay for my ticket-" but she slams the money on the desk and glares at you, "It's my S/O's birthday, I'm making you feel like royalty, I'm paying" And you back-off. You thank her for the amazing day with a kiss on the lips, "You're welcome, hun." 

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