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-> If you're request are open and you haven't done this already can I get the Ninja from Ninjago asking you to be their yang?

this..has got to be the worst week of my life lmao. hi anon, sry for the delay, i've been in a rly shitty mood and i've had hardly any motivation to write. either way, rly hope you enjoy this, sorry if it's too short.

aslo, i think i made yang mean 'marry' and i think that's where i find this writing so shitty because doesn't that just mean 'girlfreind and boyfriend or couple?' damn, i think i fucked up this entire thing ahem. but it's too cute tbh, so i'm kepping it wlike this. sry

edited: also, small Lava mention ( Kai and Cole are boyfriends in Nya's section :3 ) also, if you think i ship greenflame in Lloyd's part, (even after reading it) kindly leave my blog. i do not ship greenflamce, i do not ship lloyd with any of the ninja!!

reader's pronouns are they/them

warnings are none besides fluff rly


Kai thought he had this all under control. This is easy. All he's gotta do is ask, "Y/N, will you be my Yang!-" ... God was he wrong. When he held the pendant ( i'm not so sure what it's called ) and started to fidget with it as he waited for you to return to the Monastery after school. He didn't ask Jay for help because well, he doesn't to be teased so. You entered the Monastery with a scowl on your face, Kai noticed and immediately went to comfort you. He asked what happened and you told him school was being a pain in the a$$. Piles and piles of papers were due in these next three weeks and your bullies won't leave you alone, making fun of you because you're dating a Ninja Kai thought for a moment, maybe this will cheer your mood? He cleared his throat as you looked up from the desk you were currently sitting at. "Well. I'm not sure how to make your life better than is now, but..." He suddenly got on one knee, took your hand, and grinned at you, "You've certainly got mine in knots. And I'd love to keep that. Y/N, will you be my yang?" You gasped slightly, tears forming in your eyes as you laughed, "Yes!" And tackled the brunette to the ground. He gave you a passionate kiss on the lips and pressed your forehead to his as he and you lay on the floor of your room. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to say that." He chuckled as you pecked his face multiple times before his lips once more. "Right back at'cha, hot stuff~"

Cole was a gentleman, so when he wanted to ask you to be his yang he was going off the walls trying to figure out how to do this. Does it do in the room? No, too modern. The Bounty? No, that won't be romantic at all. Suddenly he remembered the garden by the park of Ninjago. It was Autumn to the trees would be a red and orange color with a hint of yellow. The air is also calm and soothing, perfect! He had everything set up. He asked Zane took bake him some of your favorite pastries and snacks while he organized a picnic, just the two of you. Once all set, he called you to meet him at the park. The both of you met, upon your behalf, and he told you to cover his eyes. He led you to the spot and told you to open your eyes in your ear. You removed the blindfold he gave you and your heart melted at the sight you've been revealed to. There was a red and white checkered blanket under two large trees, small bushes, and a bunch of leaves on the ground. "Cole-" You spoke, memorizing the view as you spun slowly to look at your boyfriend, but as you turned around you jumped seeing the boy on his knee with a pendant in his hand. "Y/N M/N L/N. I've known you for half of my life now, and it's been the best. I wouldn't ask for a better person to be with than you. Which is why I want you to make me the happiest man on earth. Will you be my yang?" There was a long pause and Cole started to panic, why aren't they- Suddenly he got tackled to the ground and immediately wrapped his arms around your torso as you sobbed into his shoulder with happy cheers of joy, "YES! Yes, Cole, YES!" Cole snuggled his face into your hair and rolled back and forth, laughing with a merry smile on his face.

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