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"Dear Cupid"

Dear Cupid, son of the goddess that wields the power of love,

Stop shooting my heart and making me fall

I admire your work and how you make people happy

But right now, happiness is not what it brings to me

You've already done it a bunch of times, you did me wrong

I think it is unfair to use me as a target practice

It is not right to let me suffer to perfect your shot for someone else

Is there no one else to serve you as a slave or entertainment?

Why am I the only one you see every time you want to play?

I'm so tired of being the second choice

They only choose me when they can't get what they want

I'm so tired of falling in love alone, I'm tired of breaking apart

I'm so tired of being the best friend but not enough to be a lover

I'm so tired of crying myself to sleep because of the pain my heart is feeling

I'm so tired of blaming myself for not being good enough

I'm so tired of pretending to be ok and not being appreciated for my efforts

I'm so tired of doubting myself because others don't reciprocate my love


Sometimes I just want to give up since hard work won't guarantee anything

I know that love is a gift but what you gave me was a prank

I was so excited to receive it but there was nothing inside

Expectations are ruined, and disappointment and sadness reign

Please understand that my heart is hoping for something that would make me smile

And not something that would break my heart

I know love is powerful and no one and nothing can go against it

Thus I write this letter to you to beg for your mercy

My heart can only break and bear so much

Dear Cupid, please keep your arrows away from my heart

My heart and dignity are already shattered as it is

Glue, pills, tears, blood even poems aren't enough anymore to fix it

I beg you to give the love and pain to somebody else, someone stronger than me

Because I am a weak being, one more heartbreak and I'll disappear

The next time you decide to shoot, please shoot us both

Please make sure to shoot his heart or just leave me alone

I'd rather feel nothing at all than love and suffer, feeling the pain through my flesh and bones.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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