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"I Wanted You To Be The Last"

I want you to be the last

The last person I will love

The last person I will see when I die

The last person to own my heart

I mean you would also be the first

No one has claimed my heart from the start

No one wants it just like you refused to

I want you to be the sun in my every morning

I want you to be the moon, the stars, and my entire night sky

I want you to be the only one to conduct the beat of my heart

I want you to be there for me when I need a home

I want you to be happy, let the Gods shower you with glory

I want you to shine on me, be my breath to make me live

I want you to cry for me, so I know I am important

I want you, I want your love, your time, your everything

I want the courage to scream your name on the highest mountain

Just so everyone can hear my love for thee and how much I care

I am sorry for wanting these things, I was selfish

But not anymore, for you, I will swallow my pride and give up

I will surrender this fight despite my desire to continue

I am giving up on you not because I want to but rather because I have to

I could try and keep you for myself but you would try to run away

I can imagine your face, you are looking at me like a prey staring at its predator

But I have no intention to hurt you, all I want is to love you

No matter what I do, you will only see me as a box that will trap you

While she, she who owns your heart, is your freedom, she's your home

Yes, I want you to be the last but it doesn't matter

What can I do if you won't let me be a part of your life?

I wanted you to be the last but God doesn't care about my happiness

I will never get what I want, fate will not let me do that

So I give up, This is what you want right?

You want me to give up on you so here I am

The phrase "I wanted you to be the last",

Will stay as a dream, a wish, a desire, I have in the past.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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