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How does one fall in love?
Well, I still don't have an answer to that
They say love is mysterious, it sneaks up on you
It's walking on a clear path and then falling into a trap
It's studying all night but still failing in the end
It's being lost in a place that you have seen before
It's being grateful but heartbroken, being happy but regretful
It's giving it your all but getting nothing in return
It's hard work without payment, such a disappointment
Love is a trap indeed, love is also a test
Love is a maze where people get lost
Love is a mixed bowl of emotions that makes you crazy
Love is unfair, love isn't justice
Love will push you downhill if it wants to
Lucky people fell and got the love that they wanted
While most people hurt themselves in the process
All I can tell you is the feeling of falling in love
Love is when you see him when you close your eyes
Love is when you dream of him and would rather choose to stay asleep
Love is when you think of him when you hear a certain song on the radio
Love is being there even if you don't have to
Love is still loving somebody even if they don't love you
Love is finding yourself still caring even if he broke you
Love is caring even if he longs for somebody else
So when you feel those butterflies in your belly
When you feel those fluttering wings
When you feel them fly again after being dead for a long time
That's when you know love has come to bother your silent life
Love has come to bring nuisance or happiness
Spin the wheel, roll the dice, play rock, paper, scissors with life
Those butterflies are the first sign of love
They are the first page of another story
To the butterflies that flew around me before,
To the butterflies that I feed off with delusions,
To the butterflies that kept me company,
It is time to say goodbye
Thank you for making me happy for a while
Thank you for the short story
If you could, kindly leave with the pain you brought me
Let it rest with your wings, let it sleep with you in time
Take it when you die, please take it away from me
I will see you again someday when I fall in love again.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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