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"We Tried"

These days my head is filled with maybes

I drown myself in questions and self-pity

Questioning my worth, acting all sad and broken

Maybe friends are all we can ever be

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be

I tell myself that everything means nothing

Since I don't want to expect something that isn't there

I build a hill between us to prevent myself from crossing

I did my best to make my heart and mind understand

That I am not special, I have never been special to you

But your actions after the tragedy make me want to believe

I ask myself questions that would just break me if the answer is NO

Maybes became my language and I found comfort in them

Maybe somewhere along our journey, you fell too

Maybe for a second, you loved my smile

Maybe for a short time, I visited your dream

Maybe at least once I bothered your silent mind

Maybe I made some of those butterflies fly too

Maybe your heart once beat for me

Maybe you were just too shy to admit it

Maybe you are just afraid to fall

Maybe you just didn't want our friendship to end

Because you know, we are good at being friends

It's safer to do something you are already good at

Than risking your heart on something that might not last

And I understand because I have that fear too

Maybe you were also fighting your tears

Well I hope you cry so I know the love was addressed to me

Maybe I'm not the only broken glass in here

Maybe you loved me too, you just didn't know it yet

Maybe someday I'll get the answer to these questions

But I still wish you tried as I did

What could've happened if we gave it a try?

Or maybe you tried to love me but failed

You tried to reciprocate the feelings but you're not a liar

Maybe you can't just fool yourself

Maybe you're not that good of a liar too

I know this poem should be entitled "MAYBE"

Since I filled this one with that word

But I want to emphasize something that keeps me going

You tried, I tried, we tried

Maybe that is enough, maybe this is the maximum of what we can reach

Forcing it will just make the ship we built sink

Don't feel bad, you and I could cry but don't be guilty

I just loved you and you just stayed true to yourself

We might become a needle in each other's hearts

We might have lost this battle but at least we tried.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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