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"The Parts That I Lost"

Part 2: The Colony

I am a worker ant and I work hard all my life

I have no trouble finding a colony to join

The problem lies with the fact that I was always get left behind

I don't know if I got lost or they just got tired of me

But as it keeps on happening I'm beginning to think the problem is me

Just like I changed myself for my paradise,

I also change who I am for every colony I have been

I change myself just so that I could fit in

I became considerate of what they like until I lost who I am

I have many friends, some are similar to me while some are different

My childhood friends, I don't think we are meant to last

It's not just our bodies that grew but we also grew apart

As we change houses, we change friends until we forget

Maybe we are like preliminaries or maybe a draft

A tool for practice, to pinpoint mistakes and fix them for the better

Classmates, I don't think I could keep them too

They are just like a wooden desk or a pen

You need them in school, they make your experience better

They will provide comfort up to the point when it is time to go

Graduation time will make you forget, we always forget

Just like a wooden desk, relationships will rot till we can't use them anymore

Just like pens, its ink will only last for a certain amount of time

Then there is this one friend I will never forget

She was the one who told me friendship is all I'm good at

She was a tree sapling and I was the first one to water her

I make sure that she wouldn't be lonely as I did

So I approached her when no one else would

We became buddies but even then she was already toxic

Whenever I talk about happiness she wound turns me down

She never like the thought of family and joy

I never talked about it so she would feel comfortable

As I said, I change myself for coworkers

Then one day, she found another who understood her better

Well I like to say I tried to do that, I wanted to be her friend

But she instantly left me when she found somebody else

I feel like a girlfriend betrayed by her lover

Now I am the lonely one, the sad and broken

I shared my umbrella with her when she was drenched in the rain

Now she took my umbrella to share with somebody else

I lost that friendship that I thought would last

I'm not saying friendship is a lost cost

I am saying I lost them, all the people I mentioned

And in my heart, I wish we could still be friends

I wish I had the power to stop them from leaving

But I only watched, I watch us grow apart

What a pathetic loser I am.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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