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"Side Character"

She was a cloud, a soft ball of cloud

She protected you from the harsh ray of the sun

She brought you rain so you won't suffer from drought

She was beautiful either night or day

But it was you who never saw her beauty

You never looked at her so you never saw her

It was always the sun, the moon, the stars,

The mountains, the horizon, the bird in the sky

It's always these words that are used in metaphors

And she was a metaphor in the corners of your mind

Along with the cobwebs and the darkness

You never saw her as something worth the time

You never thought that she was wonderful

She was just a design, a borderline

An extra to make the other things shine

She's a side character in your life

While you were the main focus of hers

When you decide not to turn around when she called your name

When you decide to walk away when she grabbed onto your hand

When you left her hanging in the words you said

It was the day you should have known, it was the last

Don't expect her to appear when you try to call

She's not a superhero to the rescue

She may hear it but she will not come

Don't expect her to bombard you with messages

She is not that pathetic to look desperate

Don't expect her to be there when you lost everything

Everything means everything and that includes her

You never own her anyway, you were the one who refused the deal

Don't expect her to have the same feelings after you broke her

The love spilled out of the cracks in her heart

She doesn't love you anymore

She refuses to wait to be the first on the list

She refuses to be the second choice

Her beauty deserves something more than a side character in your story

This internship is done, and this extra work is now finished

She deserves to shine somewhere she actually belongs

Don't be sad about it, don't regret anything

She is not for you and you are not meant for her

Remember the words that came out of your mouth before

She bravely pursue you but you pushed her away

Now she walked away without you, don't beg her to stay

This is a lost opportunity, you already missed the chance

Does reading this book makes you question the sense?

How can a girl like her bleed her heart out

Just to fill an ink full of pages for stone hearted man?

She has the power to fly high but she let you lock her in a cage

Question the logic of love if ever there is

Cause the magic of those arrows is surely something strange.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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